Liver cancer is not without warning! These 5 strange things appear when you go to the toilet, the liver may be damaged


The 40-year-old Mr. Li is the owner of a home improvement company. For the development of the company, he often travels for business and attends dinner parties.

Recently, Mr. Li suffers from frequent diarrhea, which is still not relieved by taking antidiarrheal drugs, because Seriously affected his work, so he went to the local hospital for an examination, but Mr. Li couldn’t believe the word “liver cancer” on the examination sheet.

The visiting doctor learned from the consultation that Mr. Li had earlier bleeding from brushing his teeth, bad breath and other symptoms In fact, these are early symptoms of liver cancer, but Mr. Li has never taken it seriously.

In addition, the doctor said that Mr. Li’s liver cancer has a great relationship with bad habits such as long-term drinking, smoking and staying up late.

I. The “murderer” behind liver cancer

Life Increasing stress and bad habits such as drinking and smoking are all damaging to liver health. Currently, liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer disease in my country and the second leading cause of death. According to 2020 data, my country’s liver cancer deaths account for more than half of the world’s deaths.

Who is the “murderer” behind liver cancer? Includescirrhosis, hepatitis B or C virus infection, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, family history of liver cancer, and long-term exposure to carcinogens, such as Aflatoxin, Aristolochia, etc.

In addition, some bad behaviors in life can also accelerate the occurrence of liver cancer:

  • < span>Drinking

Excessive drinking is considered excessive drinking for men and women who drink more than 40g and 20g per day, while < span>Drinking more than 80g of alcohol per day, and the situation continues for ten years, the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis will increase significantly.

  • eat moldy food

Many people are reluctant to throw away moldy peanuts, melon seeds, etc. because of savings, but these moldy foods contain the carcinogen aflatoxin, which causes a high incidence of liver cancer A major risk factor, it has been classified as a class 1 carcinogen.

  • Taking medicine indiscriminately

Many people feel uncomfortable They are reluctant to go to major hospitals, and are often used to going to the pharmacy to buy medicines for treatment. However, the drug is three-point poisonous, and the drug is metabolized by the liver. Once the wrong drug is taken, it is likely to cause acute toxic liver necrosis and so on.

  • Don’t control your weight

people just get fat There will be a lot of health problems, especially the accumulation of large amounts of fat, it is easy to form fatty liver, and data show that patients with fatty liver complicated with cirrhosis And the probability of liver cancer is 150 times that of normal people!

Second, these kinds of abnormalities are found when going to the toilet, and be alert to the coming of liver cancer

Many people think that liver cancer is fever, weight loss and the most direct liver pain, but if you have the following symptoms when you go to the toilet, it may actually be a signal of liver cancer.

1. The urine is dark brown

Urine is yellowish under normal circumstances However, it is clear and transparent, and if the urine is dark brown, it indicates that the liver has lesions.

This is because after liver damage, the concentration of bilirubin in the blood increases, and bilirubin increases with urine. The fluid is excreted and eventually the urine is dark brown.

2. Smelly urine

The urine smell of normal people is generally lighter, At most, it is a slight smell of urine, and liver cancer patients have increased bilirubin content in the blood due to liver damage. At this time, not only the urine is yellow, but alsoThe urine also Has a pungent stench.

3. Frequent diarrhea

According to incomplete statistics, 37% of patients with liver disease In the early stage, they mistakenly thought that they had stomach problems, and finally delayed the treatment.

Common loss of appetite, indigestion, belching, nausea, and diarrhea may be gastrointestinal symptoms of liver cancer, especially Diarrhea is easily mistaken for chronic enteritis.

4. The stool is grayish white

Under normal circumstances, the stool is mainly brown or yellow, or it changes in a short time due to the influence of food. However, after excluding dietary factors, it is found that the stool is grayish white, it is necessary to be alert to the occurrence of liver cancer, which is due to the obstruction of bile entering the intestinal tract. caused by normal discharge.

5. Blood in the stool

After the liver is destroyed by cancer cells, it will lead to the portal vein High pressure, which in turn can cause abnormal bleeding, such as blood in the stool..

3. Is liver cancer at an advanced stage as soon as it is discovered? Physical examination is an “important line of defense”

Because the early symptoms of liver cancer are relatively insidious and easily confused with other diseases, there are many patients with liver cancer who have almost no obvious discomfort in the early stage, or are directly treated as general Disease treatment.

Once there are obvious symptoms such as liver pain, repeated diarrhea, and yellowing of the skin, may be in the middle and late stages of liver cancer Stage , and therefore missed the best time for treatment, so early detection of liver cancer is very important!

Academician Zhuang Hui from Peking University School of Medicine keeps calling on the public to carry out “early” Screening for early diagnosis”.

He said that if you want to reduce the risk of liver cancer, you must do both “prevention” and “treatment”, especially the disease management for liver cancer should be screened as soon as possible. , seek medical attention and treatment as soon as possible.

The early screening mentioned by Academician Hui Zhuang is very necessary, especially for those at high risk of liver cancer, includingover 40 years old , People with family history of liver cancer, history of hepatitis B or C infection, alcoholic liver cirrhosis, long-term alcoholism, long-term consumption of moldy food, and long-term use of certain traditional medicines, etc. .

General liver cancer early screening items are mainly, Liver B-ultrasound and combined serum alpha-fetoprotein test, men over the age of 35 and women over the age of 45 at high risk of liver cancer need regular liver cancer screening, preferably every six months.

Although liver cancer is a terrible cancer, we can still prevent it with the right means:

  • Actively receive hepatitis B vaccine, which is one of the important measures to prevent liver cancer;
  • Avoid long-term heavy drinking, be aware that the alcohol breakdown product acetaldehyde can cause liver cirrhosis;
  • Keep away from fatty liver, especially to avoid high cholesterol and high fat in daily diet, in addition to light diet, you should also actively participate in sports to reduce weight controlled within a reasonable range.

The liver is an organ that neither screams pain nor tired. Once lesions occur, it is difficult to detect them, so we should pay attention to identifying them in our daily life. The early symptoms of liver cancer, especially the high-risk groups of liver cancer, should be done in accordance with the requirements of early screening of liver cancer every year, so as to achieve early detection and early treatment of liver cancer.



[1] “Liver cancer, the second most fatal cancer in China, How to perform proper screening? “. Digestive and Liver Disease Channel of the Medical Community. 2021-12-08

[2]” Liver cancer is as fierce as a tiger, and it is quiet when it comes! How to deal with “dumb cancer””. Life Times. 2021-09-25

[3] “Is the cancer at an advanced stage after an investigation? Various cancer screening methods, recommended collection! “. The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University. 2021-09-02

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