Checklist for women, check these for different age groups!


Regular physical examination is undoubtedly a good way to prevent diseases. Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment can lead to a healthy body. Women of different ages have different check-up checklists, let’s take a look.

20-30 years old

STD screening

The The age group is in a sexually active period, and the risk of various bacterial infections increases.

Recommendation: Annual examination of TCT (cervical fluid-based thin cells) can detect early cervical lesions; annual examination of HPV (human papillomavirus) can detect cervical cancer virus.

30-40 years old


30-40 year old women are susceptible to HPV (human nipple) virus). After age 30, check up at least once a year.

★Glucose Screening

18% of women over 30 had type 2 diabetes. If you experience frequent thirst, fatigue, weight loss, etc., be sure to check your blood sugar.

★thyroid examination

Women around the age of 40 are a high-risk group of thyroid diseases, and thyroid cancer has become the fastest growing female malignant tumor.

★Examination of high-risk groups for breast cancer

Patients with obvious genetic predisposition to breast cancer, previous breast duct or lobular moderate/severe dysplasia, lobular carcinoma in situ, previous breast cancer patients All patients with a history of radiotherapy should be examined. It is recommended that female friends should be screened every six months before the age of 40.

40-50 years old

★Blood lipid check

After the age of 40, blood lipids should be checked every year. Especially women who smoke and have a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

★Breast ultrasound examination

Breast cancer is the number one killer of women aged 40-50. Women over the age of 40 should have a breast ultrasound at least once a year.

★HPV and TCT combined screening

Women over 40 years old are prone to cervical cancer and should be screened annually.

50-60 years old

★Bone density test

After the age of 50, the bones become more fragile and the bones become more fragile. Density tests can help prevent osteoporosis.


Intestinal cancer has the highest incidence among people over 50 years old. Colonoscopy can effectively detect intestinal lesions.

★Women’s perimenopause and menopause examinations

Pay attention to changes in the endometrium, cervical cancer screening and breast cancer screening.

Over 60 years old

★Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease examination

Can do echocardiography, electrocardiogram, laboratory tests Liver and kidney function, blood lipids, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. should be tested, as well as ultrasound of various organs, chest X-ray or CT, etc.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be checked once a year.

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