Suzhou latest announcement


Suzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control 2022 Announcement No. 56 of 2009

From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 7, there will be no new local cases of new coronary pneumonia in Suzhou Confirmed cases, no new local asymptomatic infections. 5 new local discharged cases and 2 local asymptomatic infections released from medical observation.

As of 24:00 on March 7, Suzhou has reported a total of 118 local confirmed cases and 29 local asymptomatic infections. A total of 79 local discharged cases and 19 local asymptomatic infections have been released from medical observation.

The general public are requested to continue to enhance their awareness of prevention, do a good job in personal protection, insist on wearing masks, maintain social distance, and pay attention to personal hygiene. Do not leave Suzhou unless it is necessary, and do not travel to medium and high-risk areas. If you have symptoms such as fever and cough, go to the nearest medical institution in time under the premise of personal protection.

Suzhou New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters

March 8, 2022 span>

Suzhou Industrial Park

About Announcement on Lifting the Global Epidemic Prevention Zone

Since the outbreak of the current round of the epidemic in Suzhou, the entire Suzhou Industrial Park has been listed as a new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention zone, and in February On the 17th, the “Notice of Suzhou Industrial Park on Further Strengthening Social Control” was released. Under the strong leadership and strong support of the province and city, the whole region fought the epidemic together, overcome the difficulties, quickly and effectively curbed the spread of the epidemic, and achieved hard-won prevention and control results. Here, I would like to thank all units and residents for their understanding, support and cooperation. At present, the epidemic situation in the park has stabilized. In accordance with the standard requirements of the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism for COVID-19, the global epidemic prevention area will be lifted from 0:00 on March 8, and normal prevention and control will be resumed.

At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is still severe and complex, with frequent coexistence of overseas imports and domestic multiple points, and hidden risks have not yet been eliminated, and normalized prevention and control cannot be relaxed. It is necessary to strictly prevent and control the social aspect, strictly control gathering activities, and implement various safety work measures. All units should strengthen the main responsibility, and key units and places should strictly implement prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, temperature measurement, safety distance, ventilation and disinfection, and do a good job in the health management of employees. The majority of residents and friends must adhere to the “three-piece set” of epidemic prevention, keep in mind the “six requirements” for protection, and be the “first responsible person” for their own health.

The battle against the epidemic is still going on, and victory will eventually come. Let us work together to win the overall victory of this epidemic prevention and control battle!

Suzhou Industrial Park New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic

Joint Defense Control Command

March 7, 2022

Source|Published by Suzhou Industrial Park

【Source: Yancheng Police】

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