Nurses and patients communicated and listened to the “voice of the heart”, and health lectures improved the knowledge of “pulmonary infarction”


3month1day16, the fourth ward of Interventional Vascular Surgery held a public recess symposium and health lecture, and the patients and their families participated in the hospital exchange.

At the meeting, head nurse Yang Xiuchun thanked the representatives of patients and their families for their attendance, and briefly explained the purpose and significance of the symposium. The participating patients and their families made speeches and expressed their opinions on the medical experience during the hospitalization. They generally believe that the medical and nursing team in our hospital is skilled, caring and patient to patients. 05Uncle Bed Wang’s daughter said: “It’s really not easy for medical staff to face life and pain. It is precisely because of their noble medical ethics and solid professional knowledge. Only then can we escort our health.”10Bed Aunt Wu’s lover said that the interventional vascular surgery team of the Provincial People’s Hospital is really good, responsible and enthusiastic. Very patient with patients, like loved ones. The atmosphere of the symposium was harmonious, which fully reflected the harmonious atmosphere of the doctor-patient relationship. Head Nurse Yang Xiuchun also said that everyone’s opinions and suggestions must be improved as soon as possible. At the same time, in the future work, we will get closer to the patients, think about what the patients think and what the patients are worried about, and better improve the medical work.

After the symposium, Qing Pu Jiao, the deputy head of the Interventional Specialist Nurse, also gave a topic of “Health Education on Deep Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Extremity”. Risk factors, interventional treatment methods, nursing precautions and other aspects were explained in simple language. Everyone listened very carefully, some took pictures, and some took notes seriously. After class, a knowledge quiz was conducted.

The symposium and health lectures are not only conducive to promoting the communication between doctors and patients, enhancing the trust of patients in the department, but also enabling medical staff to timely discover the quality of medical care and nursing care. , management and other problems, improve the work in a targeted manner, and make all aspects of work better and more in place. (Fourth Ward of Interventional Vascular Surgery Li Liping, Xu Yuan)

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