2+3 Health Service Package | Core Information Points for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control for Different Populations

[Source: Sanya Health and Health Commission_Health Education]

2+3 Health Service Package|Key Points of TB Prevention and Treatment for Different Populations

1 public< /p>

①Pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that seriously endangers people’s health for a long time.

②Pulmonary tuberculosis is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract, and everyone may be infected.

③Coughing, sneezing and covering your mouth and nose, and not spitting anywhere can reduce the spread of tuberculosis.

④Cough and expectoration of sputum for more than 2 weeks should be suspected of pulmonary tuberculosis and should be treated in time.

⑤Wash hands frequently, ventilate more, and keep fit can effectively prevent tuberculosis.

2 Medical institutions and medical staff

①Be alert to tuberculosis in patients with cough and expectoration for more than two weeks.

②Standardized diagnosis, treatment and management of pulmonary tuberculosis patients should be carried out.

③ When suspected pulmonary tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis cases were found, they should be reported, referred and registered according to law.

④Health education should be given to pulmonary tuberculosis patients and their families.

3 TB patients

①When pulmonary tuberculosis patients cough or sneeze, they should avoid others and cover their mouth and nose.

②Pulmonary tuberculosis patients should not spit anywhere, but should spit sputum in a covered spittoon with disinfectant.

③Pulmonary tuberculosis patients should try not to go to crowded public places. If they must go, they should wear masks.

④Tuberculosis patients treated at home should try to live in separate rooms with others, keep the room ventilated, and wear masks to prevent family members from being infected.

⑤The vast majority of tuberculosis patients can be cured by standard treatment as required by doctors. Recover yourself while protecting your family.

⑥ Pulmonary tuberculosis can be prevented and treated, strengthening nutrition and exercise, improving human resistance, and helping to prevent tuberculosis.

4 close contacts

①For patients with latent tuberculosis infection, preventive medication can reduce the incidence.

②It is necessary to urge patients to take medicine on time and review regularly, and insist on completing standard treatment.

③If you have symptoms such as cough and expectoration, seek medical attention in time.

④Pay attention to room ventilation and personal protection.

5 ​​teacher

① Tuberculosis examination is one of the routine physical examination items in schools.

②Teachers are obliged to carry out health education on tuberculosis prevention and treatment to students, and urge students who have cough and expectoration for more than 2 weeks to seek medical treatment in time.

③The school manages the suspension and resumption of students and patients according to the diagnosis certificate of the designated medical and health institutions for tuberculosis.

6 students

① Students who have suspected symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis or are diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis should take the initiative to report to the school, not to conceal their illness, and not to take the disease to class.

②Develop the habit of opening windows frequently for ventilation.

③Ensure adequate sleep, reasonable diet, strengthen physical exercise, and improve disease resistance.

7 floating population

①The patient should try to stay in the place of residence to complete the whole treatment. If he must leave, he should take the initiative to inform the doctor in charge, and the doctor will go through the transfer procedures for him, so that the patient can continue to receive treatment and management after returning to his hometown.

②After returning to their hometown or to a new place of residence, patients should take the initiative to continue to receive treatment and management at the local tuberculosis designated medical institutions.

8 Volunteers

①Everyone participates in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.

②Promote the knowledge of tuberculosis, improve the public’s self-awareness of disease prevention, and increase the compliance of patients.

③Good personal protection.


④Eliminating discrimination and caring for patients can improve compliance and cure rates.

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