“Tong Ti Tang” has new progress How is “Master Wang” now?

A while ago, we reported on Ms. Li’s experience. She went to a health care center in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou to recuperate her body. will get cancer. She was so frightened that she spent more than 80,000 yuan for the other party to recuperate for more than a month. As a result, her body was severely allergic and her belly button was pus. We recently learned that the relevant departments have made new progress in the investigation and handling of this matter.


Suspected of illegal diagnosis

Suspected of false advertising

Video provided by Ms. Li: “Tong–“

In the video provided by Ms. Li, the “Master Wang” she was talking about held a relatively large moxibustion pen in her hand and moved along Ms. Li’s spine, with a long tone in her mouth, saying ” Pass–“.

Ms. Lai: “Bewitched me, made me worship, made me fool, said I had evil spirits or something, I was frightened, and continued to consume for the second course of treatment. (This is a feudal superstition.) That’s it. Well, because I was confused for her at the time, and kept going, because I was not allowed to contact the outside world, and the mobile phone couldn’t be used, so when I used it, I said it produced some acid poison. (How much did it cost this time?) In total They spent nearly 80,000 yuan, and sold me a box of Qingfei Pills and a box of Rhinoceros Horn Pills at a high price under the brand name of ‘Tongrentang’.”

At that time, Ms. Li introduced that the Qingfei Pills from the Imperial Pharmacy of the Qing Dynasty and the Xiling Jiedu Dan, a tribute to the Tongrentang Imperial Palace, were both sold to her by Master Wang. In addition, there were a bunch of bottles and jars. After she used it, her whole body was red, swollen and festering, and even her navel was pus. The hospital said she would be hospitalized. At that time, Ms. Li also provided another video.

Video provided by Ms. Li: “Look, there is a cabinet of good medicines here. (Tiger whip cream, this is the description of tiger whip cream.)”

Mr. Ni of Zhejiang Tongti Health Management Center: “Because we don’t know this product, it was brought by Mr. Wang and brought from the Medical Research Institute. (Which research institute?) Beijing Bin Lai Le Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. “

At that time, Mr. Ni from Tongtitang introduced that this teacher Wang Bin was the director of Beijing Binlai Le Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the other party was not a doctor, just a therapist, and they were affiliated with Teacher Wang.

Wang Bin, Dean of Beijing Bin Lai Le Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine: “Tong-Tong, I’m going through the spine, let it go down, this is sound, it can also be adjusted, and music can also be adjusted, this is one of our The way of conditioning. (Reporter: These products, such as the imperial pharmacy of Qing Dynasty, etc., feel mysterious. Qing Dynasty has been destroyed.) This is what our family used to pass down. (Ms. Li: She said it was royal.) Yes Ah, it was passed down from the royal ancestors in the past. (Reporter: Is your ancestor a royal doctor?) Well, yes, my ancestor practiced medicine and was the master of my Ganjie. (Reporter: The implication is that this medicine was left over from the past. Yes?) Yes. (Reporter: Not newly produced now?) Yes. (Reporter: Because if it is said to be newly produced now, it must have the name of the factory, etc., otherwise it will give people the feeling that it is a three-no product.) No No, it was buried in the ground before.”

At that time, under the witness of market supervision and law enforcement officers, President Wang opened the cabinet, but all the medicines in it had been emptied.

Wang Bin, Dean of Beijing Bin Lai Le Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine: “(Mr. Wang, you have no medicines in the cabinet now, right?) I have already taken it to Zhengzhou, and I have already dealt with it yesterday. I brought the therapy here to benefit the people in Zhejiang, but I am very disappointed in Zhejiang when something like this happened.”

After the report was broadcast, the audience and netizens were very concerned, and we have been following up on the latest development of this matter. After a lapse of more than a month, what is the situation of the investigation?

Lieutenant Wang Squadron of the Third Squadron of the Market Supervision Administrative Law Enforcement Team in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City: “During the investigation, we also found that Tongti Company had made relevant physical diagnosis on the whistleblower, and we also used this information as a clue to the case. The form was copied and reported to Weijian, and the past was copied in the form of an illegal diagnosis. We have filed a case to investigate the false propaganda involved in the same body health, and the follow-up investigation will continue to follow up.”

At present, the health department is investigating the suspected illegal diagnosis, and the market supervision department is investigating the false propaganda, and they have obtained relevant evidence. So, where is “Master Wang” now? What are the ingredients of the so-called ancestral pills from the so-called Imperial Pharmacy of the Qing Dynasty that she sold to Ms. Li?


“Master” is hard to find

The “pill” is a mystery

Wang Bin, President of Beijing Binlai Le Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine: “I didn’t directly say that she had cancer, but the reaction to cancer appeared. I said this because I found two large nodules on her neck. Then this is oral cancer, throat cancer, and nodules in the neck.”

This President Wang is not a doctor, just a therapist, but she touched Ms. Li’s neck and said that she might have cancer, and sold a lot of medicines of unknown origin to Ms. Li.

Wang Bin, Dean of Beijing Binlai Le Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine: “(Reporter: Is this thing yours? Did you provide it to her? She said she spent 8,000 yuan to buy it, right?) That’s right. (Reporter: Two 8,000 yuan, or one 8,000 yuan?) (Ms. Li: Two 8,000 yuan.) But not only medicines, but also other things. (Reporter: These products are provided by you to Her?) Yes. (Reporter: Make sure you first, because people from the market supervision department are also there.) Yes, yes, yes. (Reporter: These are also?) Yes.”

The market supervision department believes that the behavior of “Master Wang” has been suspected of illegal diagnosis. At present, relevant evidence and clues have been provided to the health department, and the other party has also filed a case for investigation.

Captain Wang Squadron of the Third Squadron of the Market Supervision Administrative Law Enforcement Team in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City: “(Then as far as you know, is Master Wang still here?) Master Wang has not been seen yet. (Then if she really leaves ?) We are only investigating the main body of Tongti Health, Master Wang’s behavior, in our opinion, this is the behavior of Tongti Health Company, we are checking and investigating the behavior of Tongti Health Company.”

Squadron Wang introduced that even if Master Wang was not found, it would not affect the investigation and handling of the Zhejiang Tongti Health Management Center. As for what everyone cares about, Master Wang sold the so-called ancestral pills of the imperial pharmacy of the Qing Dynasty to Ms. Li.

Captain Wang Squadron of the Third Squadron of the Market Supervision Administrative Law Enforcement Team in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City: “The whistleblower also provided two so-called pills, and we are also consulting the relevant drug inspection agencies. At present, these two items have not yet been tested for drugs. The agency can test it. We also consulted the professional department of drugs and the drug testing institute. One could not be tested. For the second, no other pills were found at the scene, and no further evidence could be obtained. This is still under investigation. .”

Captain Wang introduced that they have also filed a case for investigation into the suspected false propaganda of the Tongti Health Management Center.

Lieutenant Wang Squadron of the Third Squadron of the Market Supervision Administration and Law Enforcement Team in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City: “The main content is what is in it, the publicity is trustworthy, the publicity is a few A-level credits, whether there is any falsehood to consumers, some advertisements, For some propaganda, preliminary evidence has been obtained in this regard, and a case has been filed. (What does it claim to be the China Health Association?) Yes, we have collected evidence for these brands. Where did we get this certificate, we still need to assist in the investigation to see if there is such a situation, and after the investigation is completed, we can fix the evidence and carry out the next step of processing.”

Then the reporter rushed to the Zhejiang Tongti Health Management Center, and brands such as the Healthy China Education and Promotion Project and the Zhejiang Provincial Guidance Center are still there.

The staff of Zhejiang Tongti Health Management Center: “(Is Master Wang still here with us?) I don’t know, I haven’t seen her for a while. (Then is her office still reserved for her?) Well, she rented this, she paid the rent there, it must be kept for her, but we don’t need it. (When will the lease expire?) It’s not clear.”

The staff helped to contact Mr. Ni of the company. The other party said that he was in Shaoxing and did not want to be interviewed at present, and it was not convenient to provide the contact information of Master Wang. The reporter contacted Ms. Li again.

Ms. Li: “(Did you see Master Wang again later?) No, I didn’t see her. (Did you reach an agreement with Tongti Company or something?) No, they never gave me a call from beginning to end. phone.”

Ms. Li said that she only had Master Wang’s WeChat account, but the other party could not be reached. After treatment in the hospital, Ms. Li’s condition has gradually improved. She believes that she will wait for a fair investigation result.

(1818 Golden Eye)