Familial obesity troubles mother and son, 270 jins son takes 190 jins mother to hospital to cut stomach to lose weight on the same day

22-year-old Xiao Wang’s weight has soared year by year, and he has developed multiple obesity complications. After consultation, he took his mother, who was also plagued by obesity, to the hospital for treatment. Under the arrangement of the doctor, the mother and son completed the stomach surgery on the same day, and both recovered and were discharged from the hospital on July 4.

The doctor said that as young people continue to pay attention to the dangers of obesity, the number of children bringing their parents to the hospital for consultation on gastric surgery has begun to increase in the past six months.

Xiao Wang has been fatter than his peers since childhood. He once tried to lose weight by exercising, but every time he lost more than 10 pounds, he would experience a rebound, and his body became more and more heavy. The heavier he is, he is now 175 cm tall and weighs 270 catties, which is a serious obesity, and has obesity complications such as hyperlipidemia and apnea syndrome.

Xiao Wang, who is about to graduate from college, gradually realizes the hidden dangers that obesity brings to his life and finds a job in the future, so he seeks scientific weight loss methods on the Internet. A month ago, after he learned about gastric cutting to lose weight, with the support of his parents, he specially came to the outpatient department of obesity and bariatric surgery of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. Indications for surgery.

“Dr. Li, my mother is also very fat and diabetic, can I take her to see a doctor too? Look?” In the outpatient communication, Xiao Wang mentioned that his 45-year-old mother is also overweight, and she has not found an effective weight loss method for many years. At Li Zhen’s suggestion, Xiao Wang decided to bring his mother to the hospital again.

After evaluation, Xiao Wang’s mother is 158 cm tall, weighs 190 catties, and has a body mass index (BMI) close to 38, which is also severely obese. Li Zhen analyzed that although Xiao Wang’s mother is older, she still belongs to the adaptable range of bariatric surgery, and the safety and weight loss effect of surgery are no less than that of young people.

Under Xiao Wang’s persuasion, the mother agreed to be hospitalized with her son for bariatric surgery. Last Friday, Li Zhen completed the minimally invasive surgery of sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass for Xiao Wang and his mother respectively. On the third day after the operation, Xiao Wang lost 5 pounds. It is estimated that within a year, the two of them can lose about 80 pounds in weight.

“In the past few years, obese parents often brought their children to consult about bariatric surgery. Since the beginning of this year, there have been 5 cases of gastric incision surgery performed by mother and son, father and son at the same time. After the ‘homework’ of bariatric surgery, bring your parents to the hospital.” Li Zhen said that with the increasing popularity of bariatric surgery in China, more and more young people have learned about the effects of this surgery on obesity and obesity through the Internet and other channels. The growing acceptance of good treatment outcomes for obesity complications, especially among young adults with familial obesity, will persuade older parents to undergo surgery to reduce health risks.

Li Zhen reminded that for familial obese patients, they should pay attention to diet and strengthen exercise in daily life. Operation. Not only can the body weight be significantly reduced, but the underlying diseases caused by obesity such as fatty liver, diabetes, and high blood pressure can also be effectively improved or even “healed without medicine”.

Correspondent Li Han, Jiupai News reporter Wang Jiaqing

[Source: Jiupai News]

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