The dog days are approaching, and the experts of Baoding Second Hospital call you that these diseases are the right time to treat winter diseases in summer

Under the scorching sun, winter diseases are busy in summer. As the dog days approach, more and more citizens are making appointments for winter diseases and summer treatments in TCM clinics around the world. “Summer treatment for winter diseases” is an important feature of traditional Chinese medicine, which is to adjust the balance of yin and yang of the human body by taking advantage of the high temperature in summer and the abundance of yang energy in the body, so that some chronic diseases can be recovered. In nature, there are many pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, summer, dampness, dryness, fire, etc. Among them, diseases caused by cold pathogens often occur in winter or worsen in winter, so it is called “winter disease”. Traditional Chinese medicine says that “coldness is absorbed, coldness is stagnant”, and the characteristics of “winter disease” are that one is the urgency of the tendons and the other is the obstruction of qi and blood. “Xiazhi” is based on the theory of “harmony between man and nature” in traditional Chinese medicine. In summer, the treatment is selected at the right time. During the three seasons and when the body’s yang is at its most prosperous, the traditional Chinese medicine method that conforms to nature is used to regulate and improve the body’s righteousness and enhance the body’s resistance. disease capacity.

Xie Zhanqing, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Baoding No. 2 Hospital, introduced that the summer season is the most prosperous time of the year in the middle of the year, when the body is loose, the qi and blood are the most smooth, and the medicinal properties are easy to Reaching the viscera is the best time to warm the yang qi of the lung meridian, dispel the internal cold pathogens, and it is also the best time to treat winter diseases in summer. There are many traditional methods of treating winter diseases in summer, including acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, scraping, and acupoint application. In recent years, on the basis of traditional winter diseases in summer, the department is guided by the theory of meridians and tendons, pays attention to the suppleness and regulation of meridians and tendons, and the smoothness of meridian qi and blood, and looks for knots, induration, and tenderness of tendons near traditional acupoints. For the focal point, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and other treatments are firstly performed at the acupoints, which can relax the tendons and knots, and then apply sticking to use the yang heat of the weather, the yang heat of moxibustion, the yang heat of medicine, and the three yang. Kaitai stimulates the yang qi of the human body, eliminates the foci of knotted tendons, restores the self-regulation, self-stabilization, self-balancing and self-repairing functions of the human body, and the therapeutic effect is more obvious.

At the same time, Xie Zhanqing reminded everyone that whether it is disease prevention or treatment, traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to treating the symptoms according to the symptoms. Generally suitable for deficiency, cold, inner and yin diseases, specifically asthma, cough, chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis, recurrent respiratory tract infection, frequent diarrhea, chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia, rheumatism, uterine Cold dysmenorrhea, cold back, fear of wind, yang deficiency type constitution, etc. Yang deficiency and fire, pregnant women, patients with severe heart and lung disease, people with damaged skin, and children under the age of two should not be treated. Before choosing a treatment, be sure to ask a professional TCM physician to differentiate and treat according to the condition and physique.

(Yanzhao Metropolis Daily News Tian Yuanyuan Correspondent Sun Ning Liang Bosen)