The epidemic situation in Si County, Anhui is serious. The spillover covers many cities in Suzhou and Anhui, and many transportation hubs are recruited.

As of 20:00 on July 3, Si County reported 798 positive patients, including 123 confirmed cases and 675 asymptomatic infections. On July 3 alone, 234 new cases were reported. Positive patients have become a veritable eye of the epidemic. The Anhui Provincial Epidemic Prevention Office actively coordinated and mobilized nucleic acid testing cabins and testing vehicles from surrounding cities. From June 26 to July 2, a total of nearly 3 million people were tested for nucleic acid. Although We have tried our best to prevent and control the storm, but the storm has not yet ushered in the inflection point of stopping. Many cities in Anhui and Jiangsu have been exposed to the spillover radiation of the epidemic, and many transportation hub cities have been recruited, and related positive patients have appeared one after another.

Affected by the epidemic situation in Si County, the number of newly diagnosed and asymptomatic infections in the country has increased significantly. On July 3, 41 new confirmed patients and 388 asymptomatic infections were newly diagnosed. Among them, Anhui There were 29 new confirmed patients and 258 asymptomatic infections. The confirmed patients were all concentrated in Si County. Lingbi County was affected by the epidemic, and 21 new medium and high-risk areas were added. Jiangsu added 4 new confirmed patients and 52 asymptomatic infections. For example, Xuzhou and Wuxi, Suzhou and Yancheng are all affected.

On the whole, the epidemic prevention and control trend is severe, and a slight relaxation may cause the epidemic to spread in a large area, especially Xuzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou and other cities on the railway lines, which are more likely to become epidemics The distribution center needs to be strictly guarded, strengthen nucleic acid testing, and insist on dynamic clearing, so as to control the epidemic as much as possible.