The boy “stiff neck” went to massage, the right side of the body suddenly paralyzed

[Source: Shenzhen News Network]

Reading Client·Shenzhen News Network July 4, 2022< span>(Reporter Zhong Yaping Correspondent Lu Wencan Yang Liu) Recently, the Shenzhen guy Xiao He (pseudonym) went to a massage therapy shop for a massage after his neck was “stiffened”. Three days later, when Xiao He was working, he gradually felt that the right half of his body was out of control. For ten minutes before and after, his right hand was completely immobile. Colleagues rushed him to Shenzhen University General Hospital for treatment, and Xiao He’s entire right body was “paralyzed”.

The doctor’s preliminary judgment was “stroke”, and the hospital immediately launched a green channel emergency head CT scan. No hemorrhagic lesions were found for the time being. The hospital quickly admitted him to the neurology ward with “acute cerebral infarction”.

(Photo courtesy of the correspondent)

The possibility of cerebral infarction was basically ruled out after head and cervical MRI examinations. After consultation, Deputy Chief Physician Lu Wencan of the Department of Spine and Osteopathy judged that he was suffering from “cervical disc herniation (C3/4 segment)” compressing the cervical spinal cord, resulting in hemiplegia of the right limb. Chief Physician Zhang Zhihui and Deputy Chief Physician Lu Wencan of the Department of Spine and Osteopathy immediately performed anterior cervical spine surgery under general anesthesia for Xiao He. During the operation, the doctor found that the intervertebral disc in the C3/4 segment was prolapsed, which had already produced significant compression on the spinal cord, so the intervertebral disc was completely removed and fixed with a steel plate. The surgical incision is 5 cm, and it only takes 1 hour.

On the first day after the operation, Xiao He felt sensation in his fingers and arms, the muscle strength of the right upper limb recovered to level 2, and the muscle strength of the right lower limb recovered to level 4; 1 month after the operation, the muscle strength It has completely returned to normal and can go to work normally.

According to Xiao He’s recollection, “the old master’s hand was a little fierce”. Chief Physician Zhang Zhihui of the Department of Spinal and Osteopathy of Shenzhen University General Hospital specially reminded that people who usually have neck and shoulder pain, low back and leg pain, it is best to go to the hospital to check for disc herniation. For disc herniation, massage must be done with caution, and it is recommended to follow the diagnosis and treatment plan of a spine surgeon.

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