An expert group from the Global Health Research Center of Wuhan University came to Zhijiang for investigation

[Source: Zhijiang Municipal People’s Government_Department News]

Zhijiang Fusion Media (Correspondent Zhao Hong)June 15, Wuhan Mao Zongfu, director of the University’s Global Health Research Center, led a team of experts to Zhijiang City to investigate the comprehensive prevention and control of the “323” attack. Relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, and Municipal Health and Health Bureau participated in the survey.

The expert group came to Qixingtai Town Health Center and Bailizhou Town Health Center successively , Municipal People’s Hospital, through on-site inspections, discussions, etc., to deeply understand the work of Zhijiang City’s cardiovascular and cerebrovascular integrated prevention and control in “prevention, screening, management, governance” and information construction.

The expert group affirmed the comprehensive prevention and control work of the “323” campaign in Zhijiang City, and hoped that Zhijiang would continue to explore the “three highs and one fat”, namely hypertension, diabetes, blood lipids The treatment path of abnormality and obesity in primary medical institutions; standardize cardiovascular and cerebrovascular science education and risk assessment methods; improve the information management of population health records and risk dynamic tracking, and promote the comprehensive prevention and control of the “323” campaign to a new level. Make new contributions to the construction of “Healthy Hubei”.

(responsible editor Zhao Xueru)

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