Henan: Hospitals that undertake internships for medical students should generally meet the standards of secondary hospitals

[Source: CCTV]

A few days ago, the Education Department of Henan Province issued a notice on promoting the upgrading of management and service quality, preventing and resolving risks in the field of internship work in vocational colleges, and promoting vocational colleges The school practice management work is standardized and institutionalized, and a risk prevention and control mechanism covering the entire process of vocational college students’ practice and training is established and improved. It is mentioned that hospitals that undertake medical student internships should generally meet the standards of secondary hospitals, and can provide the necessary conditions for students to practice and live. The school shall conduct a serious review of the hospital qualifications, and report the qualified hospitals to the Education Department of Henan Province according to the requirements of the relevant documents. The Henan Provincial Department of Education will work with the Henan Provincial Health and Health Commission to conduct a centralized review and recordation of qualified intern hospitals. Hospitals that have not been reviewed and filed shall not accept interns from vocational colleges in Henan Province.

(Headquarters reporter Li Enhao and Yang Shuaijiang)

Responsible editor: Li Moxuan

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