The theme lecture on the concept of love for young people who grow up healthily with “un” love in New Taipei District ended successfully

[Source: Changzhou Women’s Network_Grassroots Information Express]

In order to correctly guide adolescents to establish a correct outlook on life, values, marriage and love, and to further popularize girls’ self-protection knowledge, the New Taipei District Women’s Federation, New Taipei City Sponsored by the District Civil Affairs Bureau, and co-organized by the Women’s Federation of Xixiashu Town, Xixiashu Middle School, and Enyue Marriage Organization, the “Wei” Love Guards Healthy Growth-New Bei District Minor Rights Protection Publicity Month Themed Lecture on the View of Love for Teenagers was held at Xixiashu Middle School.

With a humorous tone, rigorous and meticulous professionalism, combined with legal knowledge and vivid typical cases, Professor Wang Qinglian of the Open University, An in-depth analysis of self-protection knowledge was carried out, and a comprehensive explanation was given on how to strengthen self-protection for young people. This lecture involves knowledge of physical development, mental health and self-protection.

Through this lecture, the young people expressed that they were deeply educated and touched. I have further mastered the knowledge of self-protection, wake up the alarm, increase awareness, and have a deeper understanding of the importance of self-protection.

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