Girls in Flower Season Learn to Walk Again, Tai’an Municipal Hospital regains hope for patients with acute Green Barre

Correspondent Sun Luteng Li Yuanpeng Reporter Huo Jiaxing

“Seeing my daughter’s legs and feet regaining strength and being able to walk by herself is even more exciting than seeing my daughter learn to walk when she was a child!” The father of a patient diagnosed with acute Guillain-Barre syndrome said with joy after seeing his daughter recovering from treatment in the neurology department of Tai’an Municipal Hospital.

The 21-year-old patient developed fever, cough and other symptoms due to “cold” in the early stage, and then developed weakness and numbness of both lower limbs, which gradually developed to weakness and numbness of both upper limbs. The local hospital diagnosed him with a common cold and took medicine After a few days, the symptoms of fever were relieved, but other symptoms continued to aggravate. Later, he developed general weakness and numbness, which made it difficult to walk. His family persuaded him to come to Tai’an Municipal Hospital in January for further treatment.

Director of Neurology, Zhao Mingjuan, when she saw a young girl who was leaning against the wall and barely walked into the consultation room and almost “falled” when she was seated, she used her years of experience in diagnosis and treatment. Realizing the particularity of the condition, after detailed consultation, the initial diagnosis was Guillain-Barre syndrome. At that time, it was about to get off work. Taking into account the seriousness of the disease, Zhao Mingjuan immediately coordinated various departments to open a series of green channels for further diagnosis and examination of the patient. In the end, he was diagnosed with acute Guillain-Barre syndrome based on various examination results that night, which bought precious time for the young girl’s later rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment.

“I remember that a doctor helped me in the hospitalization at that time, and the departments of radiology and pharmacy worked overtime to check and dispense medicines for me. Later, I heard that the laboratory also worked overtime to restart the machines for the purpose of I had a cerebrospinal fluid test.” The girl shed tears of gratitude and said excitedly, “It was Director Zhao’s superb medical skills and the dedication of other medical staff that allowed me to get back to where I am today, and I am really grateful to them.”

Under the precise treatment and careful care of all the medical staff in the neurology department, the young girl has recovered and been discharged from the hospital after a period of treatment, and regained her youth.

“This disease is easy to be misdiagnosed clinically, it is not easy to diagnose in the early stage, and the best time for treatment is often lost. If there is acute symmetrical numbness and weakness after the body infection, it is necessary to think of Guillain-Barre syndrome If there is a possibility of symptoms, you need to come to the hospital for treatment immediately.” Zhao Mingjuan said.

It is reported that Guillain-Barré syndrome is an autoimmune disease of the nervous system and is an acute disease. The clinical manifestations are limb weakness, sensory disturbance, dyspnea, accompanied by nerve damage, and can be affected by any age and men and women. About half of the patients had a history of infection in the days to weeks before the onset, such as sore throat, fever and other respiratory infections and gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. The disease may be cured within a month with prompt treatment. If the disease is delayed, it may be life-threatening and even leave serious sequelae. Therefore, early diagnosis and early treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome are very important.