What is this “meat lump”?

[Source: Weifang City People’s Hospital]

“Doctor, do you see why I have a lump here?

Is this a boil?

It’s swollen and hot and scary.”

Don’t panic p>

Let us have a professional diagnosis.

This situation is likely to be

【soft tissue tumor】

The soft tissue tumor of the limbs and trunk is a kind of common clinical disease, which refers to the tumor originating from the mesenchymal tissue and located in the soft tissue. Mainly the soft tissues of the motor system, such as: muscles, ligaments, periosteum, fat and other tumors.

Benign tumors are tumorsMalignant tumors are sarcomas

Soft tissue tumors can occur in any part of the It is more common in the middle-aged, and most occurs in the trunk.

What are the clinical manifestations?

Patients often find a painless, progressively larger mass within weeks or months, or accompanied by symptoms such as pain, fever, and weight loss. Sexual symptoms are rare.

How is it diagnosed?

Auxiliary examination:

Color Doppler ultrasound is convenient and quick, and can roughly determine the scope and nature of the tumor. Magnetic resonance imaging is also a commonly used diagnostic method. It can better determine the scope and nature of the tumor than color Doppler ultrasound. If it is a malignant tumor, it can also find the tumor reaction area.

Pathological diagnosis: Using color Doppler-guided puncture for pathology, CT-guided puncture for pathology, and a variety of immunohistochemical methods in the pathology department can basically determine the nature of the tumor.

How is it treated?

Manualsurgery:Surgery is the definitive treatment for most, but not all, soft tissue tumors. Especially before there is no clear pathology, blind surgery should be avoided. Many tumors tend to be benign under color Doppler ultrasound, CT, and MR, but the pathology may be malignant. In this case, the border resection method is not complete, and at the same time, the hidden danger of implantation and dissemination is buried for the later extended resection. , reduce the clinical cure rate.

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy:Most soft tissue sarcomas require a certain degree of adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy after surgical resection. If the tumor is staged early and surgical expansion and radical resection are performed, chemoradiotherapy can be waived.

If you find unidentified masses on the limbs or trunk, you must go to a regular hospital as soon as possible to seek early diagnosis and early treatment.

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