Women with xerophthalmia more prone to presbyopia

[Source: China Women’s Daily]

Women suffering from xerophthalmia are more likely to suffer from presbyopia

Recently, a research team from the Department of Ophthalmology of Keio University School of Medicine in Japan conducted a study in ” Women with xerophthalmia are more likely to develop presbyopia, according to a study published in the journal Biomedical Research International.

The research team selected 1,411 patients with xerophthalmia (no cataract, glaucoma, corrected visual acuity above 0.7) with an average age of 50.6 years (75.3% female) in the ophthalmology clinics of two hospitals in Japan. The relationship between xerophthalmia and presbyopia.

The results showed that among the 1030 people who measured tear film break-up time (an evaluation index for xerophthalmia), women with shortened tear film break-up time were significantly more than men with xerophthalmia. Six subjective symptoms evaluation indicators such as dryness, pain, irritation, eye fatigue, etc., women have a strong sense of autonomy, there are significant gender differences. Using the aging method to measure the diopter presbyopia (defined as presbyopia above +3.00), it was found that in women with tear film breakup time less than 3 seconds, the progression of presbyopia was significantly accelerated, indicating that xerophthalmia had a significant impact on the development of presbyopia.


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