The woman’s eyesight has plummeted and she is almost blind within a month.

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, June 15th There were many dark shadows in front of my eyes, and my eyesight plummeted and almost blinded in just one month. A few days ago, Ms. Liu, who lives in Jiang’an District, Wuhan City, was really frightened by the “sudden” eye disease. It was discovered after inspection by Wuhan Purui Eye Hospital that the cause of Ms. Liu’s ocular symptoms turned out to be massive retinal hemorrhage caused by diabetic retinopathy.

Ms. Liu, 41, has been suffering from diabetes for many years. After her condition suddenly worsened six months ago, she switched from taking oral medication to taking insulin to control her condition. In May, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of Ms. Liu’s eyes. Over the past few days, the shadows became more and more, and her eyesight plummeted, which seriously affected her work and life.

At the end of May, Ms. Liu rushed to Purui Eye Hospital accompanied by her family after a fall that caused her nose to bruise. Xu Zejun, vice president of the hospital and director of the fundus disease department, found after consultation that Ms. Liu not only had massive hemorrhage in the fundus of both eyes, but also had a large number of new blood vessels and proliferative membranes in the retina. There was also a traction retinal detachment in the right eye. The condition is very serious and has been on the brink of blindness.

Vice President Xu Zejun inspected Ms. Liu. Photo by reporter Wu Ye

“The patient’s condition has been delayed for too long, and the vitreous cavity of both eyes of the patient is full of blood accumulation. Drugs must be injected first, and the proliferative membrane can be removed surgically after the new blood vessels are absorbed. , and then reattach the detached retina.” In order to save Ms. Liu’s light, Vice President Xu Zejun carefully studied the examination results and formulated a treatment plan for her.

After treatment, Ms. Liu’s vitreous hemorrhage was removed, and the dark shadow in front of her eyes disappeared. At the end of May, Vice President Xu Zejun performed vitrectomy, peeling and retinal photocoagulation for her left eye. The operation went very smoothly, which gave Ms. Liu and her family great confidence. On June 10, Vice President Xu Zejun performed another operation on her right eye. Through vitrectomy, membrane peeling, silicone oil filling and retinal detachment surgery, the retina of Ms. Liu’s right eye, which had been extensively peeled off, was successfully reattached.

“It’s so dangerous, I almost lost my sight! If I knew that diabetes would cause such a serious eye disease, I should have seen a doctor earlier.” Speaking of her experience in seeing a doctor, Ms. Liu regretted it. Fortunately, after professional and standardized treatment, Ms. Liu recovered well. At present, the visual acuity of the right eye has recovered from only seeing the shaking of the fingers in front of her eyes to 0.5, and the visual acuity of the left eye has recovered to 0.4.

The medical staff reviewed Ms. Liu’s vision. Photo by reporter Wu Ye

“Diabetes can cause various ocular complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma, ophthalmoplegia, etc.” said Vice President Xu Zejun. Among them, diabetic retinopathy is a Hyperglycemia damages retinal blood vessels, resulting in vascular hemorrhage and exudation, retinal proliferation, and retinal detachment due to traction.

Vice President Xu Zejun explained the process of diabetic retinopathy. Photo by reporter Wu Ye

“The sooner the disease is detected and treated, the less damage to vision will be.” Vice President Xu Zejun reminded that the scary part of diabetic retinopathy lies in the early stage There are no symptoms, and once symptoms such as vision loss appear, the condition is often quite serious. In addition to controlling blood sugar, it is recommended that patients with diabetes must pay attention to the health of the fundus. They should go to a professional eye hospital to check the fundus every three months to six months, so as to achieve early prevention, early diagnosis and early treatment. (Reporter Wu Ye of Changjiang Daily, Correspondent Gu Junfang and Wu Xuqing)

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]