Vitiligo doctor Wang Jiahuai: Will the area of ​​vitiligo affect the treatment? This type of vitiligo patients should pay attention to these 3 points!

[Source: Luwang]

Vitiligo is a skin disease, and its main manifestation is the appearance of white spots on the skin, but the area of ​​the white spots will vary in size. With the onset of vitiligo and the continuous loss of melanin, the small area of ​​vitiligo may expand into a large area of ​​vitiligo, which will increase the difficulty of treatment. So how should large areas of vitiligo be treated? What aspects should patients pay attention to?

1. Grasp early treatment< /p>

Large-scale vitiligo is generally caused by the onset of vitiligo, the damage of melanocytes, and the reduction of melanin synthesis. In the early stage of vitiligo, the area of ​​skin white spots is relatively small, and timely treatment can prevent the spread Formation of large white spots. Therefore, patients should be treated in time in the early stage of vitiligo to avoid the expansion of the area; if the area of ​​​​the vitiligo is already relatively large, it is necessary to carry out targeted treatment under the doctor’s treatment to avoid its continued spread.

2. Pay attention to avoid the diffusion factors in the treatment.

The expansion of the vitiligo area and the spread of the vitiligo are easily caused by some reasons. Area of ​​vitiligo, large area of ​​vitiligo does not pay attention to correct treatment and continue to spread the white spots and so on. In the face of these situations, patients need to pay attention to avoid factors that affect or hinder treatment, and determine the cause of the enlarged area and the condition of leukoplakia under scientific and reasonable examination, avoid drug abuse, and receive targeted treatment.

3. Pay attention to avoid the stimulation of other factors

Vitiligo and vitiligo are easy to spread under the influence of stimuli, such as a small area of ​​vitiligo is easy to develop into a large area of ​​vitiligo. In the process of this development, it will be mainly affected by these two aspects-blind use of drugs (treatment) and careless avoidance of external factors. For example, when patients see the area of ​​vitiligo on the skin becoming larger, they will feel anxious and eager to seek treatment, which leads to the easy to blindly use drugs to stimulate the proliferation of vitiligo; while the external stimulus to vitiligo includes trauma, excessive sun exposure, etc. Therefore, patients should take correct medication under the guidance of doctors, and pay attention to daily skin care to avoid the expansion of vitiligo area stimulated by external factors, such as sun protection, daily attention to skin moisturizing, etc. to enhance skin immunity.

Vitiligo is not contagious, don’t be afraid, vitiligo is a pigmentary disorder skin disease caused by various factors that cause the body’s immune disorder and lead to the lack of melanin. The treatment of vitiligo starts with reconciling the body’s immunity, activating tyrosinase, and treating it as a whole.

Responsible editor: Wu Yinglan

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