Tianshui City held the 2022 Foodborne Disease Monitoring and Rural Compulsory Education Nutrition Improvement Plan Nutrition and Health Monitoring and Evaluation Work Training Meeting

[Source: Tianshui Municipal Health and Health Commission]

On June 14, Tianshui City held the 2022 Foodborne Disease Monitoring and Rural Compulsory Education Nutrition Improvement Program Nutrition and Health Monitoring and Evaluation Work Training sessions. The leaders in charge of the county and district CDCs, the heads of the departments responsible for the monitoring of foodborne diseases, the backbone of the nutrition and health monitoring and evaluation work of the Rural Compulsory Education Nutrition Improvement Program, the backbone of the municipal sentinel hospitals, and the relevant departments of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention A total of more than 30 people attended the training meeting.

Wang Li, deputy director of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, made a comprehensive summary of the work on foodborne diseases in 2021, The primary disease surveillance plan was deployed. She pointed out that the monitoring of foodborne diseases is a long-term and continuous process of collecting dynamic information on the incidence of target diseases, and all monitoring sentinel units in the city should attach great importance to them in terms of ideology. She requested that the CDCs and medical institutions in all counties and districts should fully realize the importance of this work, effectively enhance their awareness of performing their duties according to law, formulate practical implementation plans, conscientiously implement the responsibility system and accountability system, and work hard. Perform your duties responsibly. At the same time, do a good job of daily supervision to ensure that the work is implemented. It is necessary to improve the reporting system for foodborne diseases, and to review, analyze and report data in a timely manner; to give full play to the role of business guidance, and to do a good job in the training and guidance of professional and technical personnel in sentinel hospitals; sentinel hospitals that undertake monitoring tasks must establish Corresponding work system, formulate specific work plans, clarify work responsibilities and work processes, designate specialized departments and personnel to be specifically responsible, and organize in-hospital doctors to conduct training in a timely manner, so that they can master the key points of food-borne disease diagnosis and case information collection, and further Do a good job in the collection and reporting of case information, and improve the quantity and quality of data reporting. It is necessary to do a good job in the collection, management, analysis and summary of monitoring information, strengthen the construction of professional teams, and improve the level of detection technology, which will lay a solid foundation for the smooth development of foodborne disease monitoring in 2022 and ensure that the monitoring tasks are fully completed.

The meeting also made a technical report on the implementation plan of foodborne disease surveillance in 2022, case information, surveillance information collection, and online report. The process and the nutritional health monitoring and evaluation of the rural compulsory education nutrition improvement plan were trained separately.

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