[Shuxin Station] “Communicate with Heart, Communicate You and Me” Lecture on Children’s Mental Health Enters Xihe Town

[Source: Shaoguan Women’s Federation_Women’s Federation News]

Recently, for span>Create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care for left-behind children in rural areas and children in distress, and pay attention to the mental health of children. Wujiang District Women’s Federation, Xihe TownWomen’s Federation , hosted by Shuxin Station (Wujiang Station) and organized by Hailin Social WorkersCommunicate with heart, communicate with you and meChildren’s Mental Health LectureHeld in Huanglong Village, Xihe Town, for 30 rural residents in the village of Xihe Town Children and children from difficult families brought a lively and interesting mental health class.

The keynote speaker of this event, Mr. Wang Lichun

span>Break the ice with warm-up mini-gamesWinds , 30fromthree span>Left-behind children in different villagesfrom unfamiliar to familiar with each other , graduallybreaksbreaks Kids‘sstrangeness, Isolation. Through ice-breaking games to fully mobilize children’s attention, observation and interest in small psychological classes, establish expectations for the course.

In class, Mr. Wang encouraged< span>Children braveintroduce themselvessuch as name, age, preferences, etc. span>, and Teach children how to express their main characteristics through cartoon animal hats< span>ComeAttract the attention of others and better promote others to remember themselves, span>Especially for left-behind children in rural areas, when their parents are not aroundsituation It is even more necessary to establish friendship and support from peers and listen to expressions.

Mr. Wang In the process of leading the children to playAttentionObserve and evaluate the children’s status and psychological energy, through live interaction, GuideChildren actively participate, listen carefully, observe carefully, actively express, and < /span>Follow every child. Through mental health science education and on-site guidance, intervene in the knowledge of emotional cognition, and educate and guide children to understand , Feeling, Manage your emotions. In game interaction, subtly will careful< /span>communication,communicationyou and me The concept of is integrated into it.

This psychological lecture aims to guide the society to pay more attention to left-behindChildren‘s mental health, guide the community to care care, care span>Love left-behind children, let them feel the happiness of life and experience growth happiness, and establish a correct concept of life.

(Wujiang District Women’s Federation: Liu Kunxiang Hai Lin Social Worker: Li Fuping)

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