[Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Lecture Hall] Four Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Pediatric Fingerprints

Wang Xiaoer fingerprint >

Children’s fingerprints refer to the collaterals of the index finger of children. By observingthe shape and color of the superficial collaterals on the volar front edge of the index finger in children, method of diagnosing disease. Pediatric fingerprints are a commonly used diagnostic method in pediatrics and are suitable for children under the age of three.

NO.1 Three-level positioning of index finger collaterals

Forefinger meridian points, qi and vital points; strong>The first section of the index finger near the palm is the wind pass, the second section of the index finger is the qi pass, and the third section of the index finger is the life pass.

NO.2observation method of index finger collaterals< p>

When diagnosing the collaterals of the index finger of the child, the parent should first hold the child facing the light, and the doctor should gently hold the child with the thumb and index finger of the left hand At the end of the index finger, after finding the collaterals of the index finger, push the lateral edge of the right thumb from the Mingguan to the Qiguan and Fengguan several times, that is, from the distal end to the proximal end, or from the finger to the base of the finger. When rubbing with the thumb, the force should be moderate, and the force should not be too large or too small. You can also dip it in a little water so that the collaterals of the index finger are clearly exposed for easy observation.

NO.3normal pediatric index finger collaterals

Normal paediatric fingerprints, pale red, slightly darker, or slightly purplish, faintly appearing near the horizontal lines of the palms and fingers, which are the horizontal lines of the palm and index finger. Grain, single branch, and moderate thickness. In addition, the paediatric index finger collaterals are affected by various factors. The younger you are, the more visible your fingerprints are. At the same time, the thickness of the collaterals is related to the hot and cold weather. When the weather is hot, the collaterals become thicker and longer, and when the weather is cold, the collaterals shorten and become thinner. The vein pattern is related to the fatness and thinness of children. The veins in obese children are deeper and less obvious, and the veins in thin children are shallower and more obvious. The exposure of collaterals is also related to the thickness of children’s skin. If the skin is thin and tender, the collaterals are more obvious; if the skin is thicker, the collaterals are not obvious.

NO.4pathological paediatric index finger collaterals

Diagnosis of the pathological index finger collaterals in children is generally observed in terms of length, floating, color, and shape. The longer the collaterals in children, the more likely The more severe the disease;The fingerprint is in the wind pass, which means the evil energy enters the collaterals, indicates that the disease is mild and the disease is mild; /strong>Fingerprints penetrate the Qi gate, indicating that the disease has penetrated deep, and indicates that the disease has further developed and the disease is deep;When the fingerprint penetrates to the critical point of life, it means that evil energy enters the viscera, there is a sign of critical illness;The collaterals go directly through the three points The tip of the finger, called “penetrating nails”,indicates that the condition is dangerous and should be actively rescued, and the prognosis is generally not good. Pediatric index finger If the collaterals are obvious, it means that the disease position is on the surface, more common in exogenous syndrome; more common in the syndrome of exogenous pathogens entering the interior or internal injury syndrome.However, clinical observation and statistics show that healthy children also have floating and sinking, so It is also necessary to carry out a specific analysis in conjunction with the pulse symptoms. Generally speaking, the dark and thick color of the collaterals indicates a serious condition, and the color of the collaterals is light, indicating that the condition is mild; the color of the collaterals is pale, which belongs toDeficiency syndrome;The color of the collaterals is bright red, mostly belonging toexogenous wind-cold symptoms;collaterals The color is purple and black, which is a sign of severe illness; the color of the collaterals is blue, which is a sign of convulsion Or pain syndrome.In terms of shape, the collaterals in children are thickened, mostly empirical evidence, heat syndrome, Due to the conflict between evil and righteous, qi and blood are stagnant; collaterals become thinner, mostly due to Deficiency and Cold Syndrome, Due to the lack of qi and blood, the veins are blocked; Vein single, oblique, mostly genusmild; multiple, curved, annular, mostly< strong>Severely ill; increase in the venation, which is the disease intensifies; increase in the venation, which is The disease has subsided.

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This article is excerpted from: “Traditional Chinese Medicine and TCM Basics”

Editor: Liu Di

Picture from: Bing images< /p>

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