8-year-old girl was acutely poisoned by eating this fruit! Recently, a large number of listings, many people are eating


Many delicious fruits have begun to be listed in large quantities

This includes it

Flesh and sweet, rich in water

After eating one, I want to eat another one


Now is the season for lychees to go on sale

However, Xiaofang would like to remind everyone

Although the taste of lychee is delicious, it is necessary to control the amount

Recently, there is an 8-year-old girl

Acute poisoning due to eating a lot of lychees

Related news is on the hot search


Is it poisonous to eat lychees?

What the hell is going on?

The 8-year-old girl was acutely poisoned by eating a lot of lychees

Recently, a hospital in Hengshui, Hebei Province admitted an 8-year-old girl who suffered from hypoglycemia after eating lychees. The child was diagnosed with acute lychee poisoning, commonly known as “lychee disease”.

Doctors said that in mild cases, paleness and fatigue may occur, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness or even death may occur.

In related hot search information

Many netizens commented that

I once had symptoms of discomfort due to eating lychees

Too much lychee

Is it really that dangerous?

In fact, because of eating lychee

It is not uncommon to be admitted to the hospital


Eating a lot of lychees in one go, a woman in Guangdong was dizzy and nauseated and went to the doctor urgently

In 2021, Ms. Huang from Huizhou, Guangdong bought a pound of lychees to eat at home. However, not long after eating the lychees, she developed symptoms of dizziness, nausea and fatigue.

Later, Ms. Huang rushed to the hospital. After a doctor’s diagnosis, Ms. Huang was diagnosed with diabetic ketosis. This time, the culprit was the pound of lychees.


The 10-year-old boy was hospitalized that night after eating 2 catties of lychees

In 2021, a 10-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital for treatment due to convulsions, coma and other symptoms after eating a lot of lychees on an empty stomach.

When asked about the medical history, the boy’s mother described that the boy ate about 2 pounds of lychees that night, and the doctor immediately responded that he had “lychee disease” – “hypoglycemic acute encephalitis syndrome”.

And about lychee

There are some other claims

For example, if you eat lychees, you will be found to be drunk and driving

If you eat too much lychee, you will get angry


What are the risks of eating a delicious lychee?

What is “litchi disease”

What are the symptoms? Who should pay attention?

What exactly is “lychee disease”?

What are the symptoms?

“Lychee disease”

Lychee itself is not harmful to the human body. The so-called “lychee disease” refers to symptoms similar to hypoglycemia after eating a large amount of fresh lychees at one time. Delayed first aid can also lead to death.

Recent studies suggest that two substances in lychee, hypoglycine A and methylenecyclopropylglycine, can inhibit the metabolic transformation of sugar, resulting in acute lychee poisoning. These two toxins are found in high levels in immature lychees and need special attention.

Who is susceptible to “Lychee Disease”?

Experts introduced that the majority of the “litchi disease” are children. Children aged 4-11 are prone to “lychee disease” from excessive consumption of lychees. Children should pay special attention to eating lychees.

The high sugar content of lychee will stimulate the increase of insulin in the body, and insulin is hypoglycemic. When the human body is on an empty stomach, blood sugar is lower than usual. If a large amount of lychee is eaten, it will further lead to a drop in blood sugar and cause certain damage to the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat lychee on an empty stomach.

There are rumors on the Internet that

After eating lychees and driving, you will be found to be drunk and driving

Is it true?

Will I be found for DUI after eating lychee?

How should lychees be eaten?

Experts introduced that lychees have high sugar content, which will cause non-oxidative chemical reactions during packaging and transportation, resulting in the production of alcohol. Enzymes in oral bacteria also stimulate alcohol production after eating lychees.

However, there is an essential difference between “drinking and driving caused by eating lychees” and “real drinking and driving”. Drinking water and gargling after eating lychees can avoid such problems.

So how should lychees be eaten?

Note the following points

Eat fully ripe lychees;

“Appropriate amount” is fundamental. It is generally recommended that adults should not exceed 300 grams of lychees per day, and children should not exceed 5 per day;

Refuse to eat on an empty stomach, do not eat a lot of lychees on an empty stomach and hungry, preferably after meals;

Special groups with diabetes, gout, digestive system diseases and other problems should eat less;

You can take mung bean soup or green tea water in moderation, or soak the shelled lychees in light salt water for an hour before eating.

Except lychee

Be careful not to eat these fruits on an empty stomach

You can’t eat these fruits on an empty stomach

Okay, let me remind you again

Lychee is delicious

But eat in moderation

Retweet spread, remind more people!

(Press Room)