It is often said that you drink more water, but you don’t know that drinking water has a limit. What will happen to drinking too much water, do you know?

Water is an important part of the human body and plays a very important role in the human body. People can go three days without food, but not without drinking water. If the human body is dehydrated, it will reduce physical fitness and lead to abnormal metabolic function. People cannot survive without water.

Only by consuming enough water every day can we promote the replenishment of body functions and better enhance the human body’s functional operation ability , to give full play to the functions of various organs of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement enough water for human health. But studies have shown that drinking eight glasses of water a day can meet your body’s needs. And if you drink too much water and urinate too much, it may affect your kidneys. Therefore, it is important to know how to drink water properly.

Drinking too much water can cause these hazards, pay attention to scientific drinking in life

1. Affects endocrine health

Most people think that colds are caused by viral infections or secondary bacterial infections, so drinking plenty of water can indirectly excrete toxins from the body. However, according to Australian researchers, after analyzing half a century of water absorption data from patients with respiratory infections, it was found that in many cases drinking large quantities of purified water did not speed up the recovery of the disease, but caused other disorders of the body. So drinking too much water can have a certain impact on your health.

2. Affects kidney health

Drinking too much water It can also impair the function of some vital organs, especially the possibility of kidney damage is significantly increased. When drinking too much water, the kidneys need to be busy expelling the excess water from the body and keep the kidneys in the process of excreting water, which not only increases the burden on the kidneys. The decline in kidney function will become more pronounced over time.

Therefore, in the process of drinking water at ordinary times, the method should be reasonable. By strictly controlling the amount of water we drink, we can keep our kidneys in a healthy state. If you have underlying kidney disease that affects your health, you need to control the amount of water you drink. Otherwise, if you regularly drink too much water, your body’s ability to excrete will decrease, and your health will be at risk after the burden increases further.

3. Cerebral edema

As we all know, fat in our body And muscles are relatively soft and can bend and stretch under a certain amount of pressure, so even if our cells are swollen, there’s not much danger, but brain cells are different from our extremities. Brain cells are found in the skull, and our skull is not elastic. Therefore, once the brain cells are swollen, we experience headaches and head edema. Over a long period of time, there may even be brain tissue metastases, which are detrimental to brain health.

4. Water poisoning

In life, many people Never thought that drinking a lot of water can also lead to poisoning. Although clinical cases are rare, they do exist, and there will be categories, one acute and the other chronic. In acute water intoxication, patients may experience mental disorders, respiratory depression, and even coma in severe cases. In the case of chronic water intoxication, symptoms may be mild, mainly edema, lethargy, and unconsciousness.

How to drink water scientifically

1. Master the correct drinking time

Appropriate drinking water in the morning can make up for the large amount of water lost during sleep at night. Drinking water around 10:00 am and 3:00 pm can effectively replenish the water lost by sweat and urine excretion, and the accumulated waste in the body also It can be drained smoothly; drinking water around 8 pm is considered the most suitable time. Due to the increased blood concentration during sleep, drinking water can dilute the blood and speed up the circulation. Also, the most effective way to drink water is on an empty stomach, so that the water will circulate directly through the digestive tract and be absorbed by the body.

2. Drink slowly

Everyone knows that water is Drinking water plays a very important role in the human body, and more and more attention is paid to drinking water, but at the same time, we must also pay attention to developing the habit of drinking water frequently, and don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Especially for the elderly, because their nervous system is not sensitive enough, although the body is dehydrated, sometimes they do not feel thirsty. Therefore, it is especially important to develop the habit of drinking water regularly. In addition, do not drink a lot of water at one time, which will increase the burden of gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, especially those patients with heart disease, small sips and slow drinking are the most suitable.

3. Pay attention to the amount of water you drink

When drinking water, you should pay attention to drinking a small amount of water. When the water in the body is balanced, it can ensure the full secretion of digestive juice during meals, increase appetite and help digestion. Drinking a lot of water at one time will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and dilute gastric juice, which will not only reduce the bactericidal effect of gastric acid, but also hinder the digestion of food.

Therefore, when we drink water every day, we must ensure a reasonable amount of water. We must drink more water without drinking too much water. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents states that adults should drink 1500ml to 1700ml of water per day, including the water they drink directly and the water contained in food. If we don’t know how much water to drink, we can also judge by the color of the urine. Generally, human urine is pale yellow. At this point, the amount of drinking water can be adjusted by whether the color is too dark or too light.