WHO may issue the highest level of warning on monkeypox, China issues diagnosis and treatment guidelines

According to Xinhua News Agency this morning, the National Health and Medical Commission organized the “Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Monkeypox (2022 Edition)” and released it.

Following last week’s disclosure of signs of community spread of monkeypox, the World Health Organization said on the 14th that it will convene an emergency committee next Thursday. meeting to assess whether monkeypox should be declared a “public health emergency of international concern”.

On the same day, the European Union signed an agreement with the Bavarian Nordic vaccine manufacturer, a Danish vaccine company, to provide about 110,000 doses of smallpox vaccine in response to the monkeypox outbreak. EU countries such as Germany and Spain have also ordered their own vaccines.

According to Xinhua News Agency this morning, the National Health and Medical Commission organized the “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Monkeypox (2022 Edition)” and released it.

Top warning?

Currently, the monkeypox epidemic is not optimistic.

On the 14th local time, the WHO held a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, announcing that an emergency committee meeting would be held on June 23 to assess whether monkeypox should be classified as an “international Public Health Emergencies of Concern”.

A “public health emergency of international concern” is the highest level of warning that the World Health Organization has authority to issue. Currently, only the COVID-19 outbreak and polio are listed as such events.

Previously, with the release of a new round of monkeypox virus gene sequencing reports by research teams in France, Italy, Spain and other European countries, more and more evidence There has been massive community spread of pox in Europe.

UK reported 104 new cases of monkeypox on the 13th The total number of confirmed cases is 470. Source: Argus

WHO pointed out that 39 countries and regions around the world have reported 1,600 confirmed cases of monkeypox, 1,500 suspected cases and 72 deaths.

Among them, the deaths were mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, which has traditionally been affected by monkeypox outbreaks. But the WHO said it was verifying a report of a death from Brazil.

EU buys more vaccines

According to Reuters14 The European Union signed an agreement with a vaccine manufacturer to provide about 110,000 doses of a smallpox vaccine against monkeypox, European Commissioner Stella Kirakidis said on the same day. The vaccines will be distributed to EU countries, as well as Iceland and Norway, two non-EU member states, with deliveries starting at the end of this month.

Previously, some EU countries, including Germany and Spain, have ordered their own vaccines. Germany ordered 40,000 doses of Bavaria Nordic’s Imvanex smallpox vaccine on May 24, ready to start ring vaccination when the German monkeypox epidemic worsens.

However, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has reservations about mass vaccination against monkeypox on the 14th. While the smallpox vaccine is expected to provide some protection against monkeypox, clinical data are limited and supplies are limited, he said.

WHO released on the 14th on the use of smallpox vaccine to prevent Interim guide to monkeypox. Source: Reuters

However, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, past data from Africa suggest that the smallpox vaccine is effective against monkeypox At least 85% effect.

In late May, the United States quickly ordered a $119 million vaccine against the monkeypox virus from Bavaria Nordic after the first domestic case of monkeypox was discovered. The company announced at the time that the U.S. has the option to continue to purchase $180 million of vaccines, and if the U.S. chooses to add purchases, the total order volume will reach about 13 million doses.

These vaccines are often stockpiled in response to biological warfare, The Wall Street Journal reported.

China Release Guidelines

According to Xinhua News Agency on the 15th It was reported in the morning that the National Health Commission issued the “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Monkeypox (2022 Edition)”. According to the guideline, monkeypox is a zoonotic viral disease caused by monkeypox virus infection. The main clinical manifestations are fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy. The main source of infection is rodents infected with monkeypox virus. Primates (including monkeys, chimpanzees, humans, etc.) can also become sources of infection after infection.

Regarding the transmission route of monkeypox virus, the guidelines state that the virus enters the human body through mucous membranes and broken skin. Humans are mainly infected by contact with infected animal lesion exudates, blood, and other body fluids, or by being bitten or scratched by infected animals. It is mainly transmitted through close contact between people, and it can also be transmitted through droplets. Contact with virus-contaminated items may also be infected, and it can also be transmitted vertically through the placenta. Sexual transmission cannot be ruled out.

Source: Screenshot of the official website of the National Health Commission

According to foreign media reports on the 14th, European scientists found monkeypox virus fragments in 6 of the semen samples of 7 Italian monkeypox patients . A sample test of one of the patients found that the monkeypox virus in his semen was not only infectious but also capable of replicating.

Tedros said on the 14th that due to the abnormal performance of the monkeypox virus, more countries have been affected, and it is time to consider strengthening response measures, and international cooperation is required. coordination. WHO’s goal is to raise countries’ awareness of the risks and toTake action to reduce continued transmission in high-risk groups.

Tedros also said that WHO plans to rename the monkeypox virus to avoid geographical concepts and animal names.

According to the guidelines issued by the National Health and Medical Commission, monkeypox is a self-limiting disease with a good prognosis in most cases. Severe cases are common in young children and immunocompromised people, and prognosis is related to the viral branch of infection, the degree of virus exposure, previous health status, and the severity of complications. There is a certain degree of cross-protection against monkeypox virus in people who have been vaccinated against smallpox in the past.

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