Cixi TV University held a lecture on “Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Health Care”

[Source: Cixi Municipal People’s Government (Education Bureau)_Work News]

In order to promote the traditional culture of traditional Chinese medicine and improve the health literacy of teachers, on the afternoon of June 13, Cixi TV University held a “Traditional Chinese Medicine” event. “Culture and Health Care” lecture, President Cen Bochun of Cixi Baochuntang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was invited to give a lecture.

In the lecture, President Cen used the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to interpret the ways of “health preservation” and “mind nourishment”. He pointed out that health care must first cultivate the mind, and maintaining open-mindedness, contentment, generosity, and helping others are the four secrets of nourishing the mind. At the same time, health care depends on the degree of awareness and discipline, and it is necessary to grasp the degree of diet, alcohol consumption, life, spirit, financial management, joys and sorrows, and work and rest. Dean Cen analyzed common misunderstandings about health preservation by telling his own personal experience and real cases, so that teachers have a deeper understanding and perception of life and health.

This lecture is rich in content, easy to understand and practical, and provides teachers with new perspectives and new ideas for health preservation. method. During the discussion and interaction session, everyone asked questions one after another and was very enthusiastic. Dean Cen patiently answered each teacher’s questions and provided professional advice. Everyone said that in the future, we should combine body-cultivation with mind-cultivation, use movement to support the body, quietness to support the mind, actively cultivate a healthy body and mind, and strive to achieve a better life. (Cixi TV University Jiang Zhongmei)

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