Rumors | “Panda Eyes” are all made by staying up late? this is not necessarily

Many people wake up after staying up late and find that they have “panda eyes”, which are not easy to disappear, and feel that they are all caused by staying up late.

What is “Panda Eye”? Does it have anything to do with staying up late?

Image source: Vision China

“Panda eye”, also known as dark circles, is a condition in which the skin around the eyes is darker, and it is also a common cosmetic problem , it is not necessarily caused by disease, but has a certain relationship with our lifestyle, inflammation, melasma or pigmentation around the eyes, cosmetics, congenital factors, etc.

Dark circles can be roughly divided into pigmented, vascular, structural and mixed types. Staying up late is not the direct cause of dark circles, and dark circles cannot be caused by staying up late. Among them, there are only two types of dark circles that will be affected by staying up late, namely structural and vascular dark circles. Due to factors such as sleep, overuse of eyes, insomnia, etc., periorbital tissue edema and local blood stasis will be affected, which will also change the appearance and grayness of dark circles.

There are many different factors interacting behind different types of dark circles. Therefore, different treatment methods need to be selected for different types of dark circles.

For pigmented dark circles, topical drugs can be used to inhibit the synthesis of local skin melanin. Chemical peels can also be used to accelerate skin renewal and exfoliate melanin granules from the epidermis, or pigment-selective lasers can be used to destroy melanin granules inside the skin.

For vascular dark circles, a vascular selective laser is used to target the destruction of capillaries and dilated veins around the eye. There are also topical filler treatments that increase the thickness of the eyelid skin and effectively cover the subcutaneous vascular network with filler substances.

For structural dark circles, use lasers to improve skin relaxation. Filling treatment is used to improve the shadow produced by the tear groove groove, combined with surgical treatment to improve the abnormality of local tissue structure.

However, the current various treatment methods cannot effectively remove dark circles completely, and can only play a role in relieving and reducing. If dark circles have already appeared, continuing to stay up all night and using eyes with fatigue will only further aggravate the severity of dark circles and affect the treatment effect, so try to avoid all bad habits that will aggravate dark circles.

If dark circles appear, it is best to seek a doctor’s consultation to determine the type of dark circles, so as to analyze and trace the cause, and get professional treatment for the cause. treatment plan.

Source: Scientific Rumors, The Paper, People’s Political Consultative Conference News, Qilu Evening News, China Economic Net