A 45-year-old artificial intelligence expert died of a sudden illness! When people reach middle age, their body frequently flashes red lights, so don’t make a big taboo again!

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June 14, Kuang The official WeChat account of Vision Technology issued an obituary: Dr. Sun Jian, the chief scientist of Megvii and Dean of the Megvii Research Institute, died in the early morning of June 14, 2022, at the age of 45. According to “Digital Intelligence Frontline” from insiders, Dr. Sun Jian returned to the company to work normally on June 13, and did not see anything unusual. “Everyone was surprised.”

Sun Jian

< span>In addition to his position in Megvii, Sun Jian is also the first dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence of Xi’an Jiaotong University. The official website of the School of Artificial Intelligence of Xi’an Jiaotong University said that Dr. Sun Jian is a world-renowned scientist in the field of artificial intelligence, and he has made milestone contributions to the development of artificial intelligence in the world. The death of Dr. Sun Jian is a major loss in the field of artificial intelligence in my country, and it is also a major loss in the field of artificial intelligence in the world.

All sudden deaths are “premeditated”!

at middle age, if you still don’t care about health , Although it seems to have “no effect”, but over time, I am afraid that the balance in the body has been broken, and various diseases are “just around the corner”. Many people who appear to be very healthy may even suddenly die suddenly. But in fact, all sudden deaths are not sudden, they are “premeditated for a long time”. 1. The main causes of sudden death are “too excited” and “too tired”Published in April 2020 A study in the journal China Emergency Medicine analyzed the autopsy characteristics of 5516 cases of sudden death and found that the main causes of sudden death were emotional agitation (26%), fatigue (25%) and blood volume change (8.95%), followed by For drinking, oversaturation, minor injuries, etc. In addition, staying up late for a long time and being stressed may also induce sudden death. 2. Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause, and young people are more prone to itPublished in China in April 2020 The study in the journal Emergency Medicine also found that the primary cause of sudden death was sudden cardiac death (57.76%), followed by sudden pulmonary death (21.63%), followed by sudden brain death (9.21%). And middle-aged people aged ~63 years old are the high incidence age group of sudden cardiac death. In January 2021, Chen Haixu, an associate professor at the Second Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, published an article in Popular Science China stating that the primary cause of sudden death is sudden cardiac People, young people are more likely to die suddenly when they have a myocardial infarction. 3. Early morning is a time of high incidence of sudden deathPeople of Peking University Guo Jihong, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the hospital, explained in an interview with Health Times in May 2013 that the early morning is when the human sympathetic nerve and vagus nerve “take over”, and the new sympathetic nerve is in a state of high excitement and will lead to Induces rapid heartbeat, increased myocardial contractility, ectopic rhythm, etc., which may induce various cardiovascular events such as arrhythmia and even sudden death.


The body starts to flash red light frequently!

1. Cancer< /span>The American Cancer Institute has published cancer risk data for different regions, races, and age groups. The data show that Asians have a sudden increase in the risk of developing tumors from the age of 40, and the risk of developing cancer at the age of 40 to 49 is 2.5 times higher than that of the age of 30 to 39. 2. StrokeAccording to the 2015 China Stroke Prevention and Control Report, the prevalence of stroke among people over 40 years old in my country remains high. In my country, the proportion of first-time strokes under the age of 65 accounts for nearly 50%, and more than 60% of middle-aged people in high-risk groups. 3. Myocardial infarctionAccording to the April 2020 “Chinese Emergency Medicine” The published research shows that middle-aged people aged ~63 years old are the high incidence age group of sudden cardiac death. Acute myocardial infarction is one of the causes of sudden cardiac death. 4. Atrial fibrillationYin Yuehui, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, said in an interview with the Chongqing Morning News in 2015 that at the age of 40 and Nearly 1/4 of the above population will develop atrial fibrillation in their lifetime. In the past, atrial fibrillation was mostly the elderly. In recent years, it has spread among young and middle-aged white-collar workers with high-paced work and unhealthy living conditions. 5. Lumbar disc herniationWu Xiaotao, Chief Physician of Spine Surgery, Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University in 2019 The Times published an article saying that men in their 40s are most favored by lumbar protrusion, and smokers and obese people especially need to pay attention to the waist. 6. GlaucomaGlaucoma is the leading irreversible blinding eye disease in the world. At the World Glaucoma Week in 2015, experts from Beijing Tongren Hospital said that the prevalence of glaucoma among people over 40 years old in China is 2.3%, and the blindness rate is about 30%. 7. Joint painMany parts of the body begin to age when they reach middle age, especially the knee joint. Li Siming of Guangzhou Twelfth People’s Hospital found that the peak incidence of knee pain in general people is after the age of 40, and the older the age, the higher the incidence. 8. ObesityAfter the age of 40, people’s weight control begins to decline because the body’s metabolism is slow . In addition to being a disease in itself, obesity is also associated with many other diseases.

How can middle-aged people stay healthy?

Don’t commit these 5 “taboos” again< strong>

1. Working overtime and staying up late

< p>Some people can’t finish their work during the day and continue to work at night. However, the damage of staying up late is often subtly and gradually accumulated. There have been too many tragedies of sudden death by staying up late, which is enough to attract attention!

2. Smoking and drinking

many While taking antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs, young people participate in various wine bureaus, smoky. In fact, at the same time as medication, good living habits are equally important.

3. Avoid eating and drinking

after middle age The body’s metabolism slows down, making it easier to accumulate excess calories in the body, which is not conducive to weight control. A reasonable diet should be three meals a day, regularly and quantitatively.

4. Ignoring physical examinations

Many cancer screenings is late. Regular physical examination, self-management, you can not get sick, get sick later, or even no medication or less medication.

5. Anxiety and depression

anxiety, stress Negative emotions such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients are a cause of sudden death. Depression, in particular, is an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction.

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This article is synthesized from:

①2022-06-14 Shuzhi Frontline “Contempt Chief Scientist Dr. Sun Jian passed away and was still at work the day before”

②Zhao Zhimei, Chen Xiaosong, Yang Yijun, Du Pengju, Zhou Panhao. Epidemiological characteristics of 5516 cases of sudden death by autopsy in my country Analysis[J]. China Emergency Medicine, 2020, 40(2): 158-163.

③2021-01-03 Popular Science China “Too Sudden! A well-known actress died at the age of 25! Don’t be careless if you have these symptoms…”

④2013-05-16 Health Times “my country’s Sudden Cardiac Death No. 1 in the World”

⑤National Cancer Instudy.https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci

⑥Report on the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke in China (2015) (Wang Longde), China Union Medical College Press span>

⑦2015-06-10 Chongqing Morning News “People over 40 years old have a 1/4 chance of developing atrial fibrillation”

⑧2019-01 -18 Health Times “40+ men are most likely to have “lumbar protrusion””

⑨2015-03-12 Chinanews.com “The prevalence of glaucoma in people over 40 years old in China reaches 2.3%. 》


< span>⑩2010-09-27Health Times “40-year-old knee pain and high incidence of knee pain can be prevented by drinking milk”

⑪2013-03-04 Health Times “Sudden cardiac death also has traffic lights” span>

Editor of this article: Wang Zhen Reviewing director: Yang Xiaoming