The “invisible family” in hypertension: unhealthy lifestyles are making these young and middle-aged “new darlings” of hypertension

I was in my early forties. Blood pressure. Don’t you mean it’s a disease of old age? People often think that high blood pressure is a disease of old age. Young and middle-aged people have become the “invisible family” in hypertension.

Yes, I often go out to socialize and drink, and I always stay up late. No wonder the blood pressure is not high! So how should our group of hypertensive patients control their blood pressure?

Today we will talk about the “invisible family” in this type of hypertension. The “invisible family” in hypertension?

In the past, high blood pressure was regarded as a “senile disease”, and people It also tends to pay more attention to the management of hypertension and cardiovascular disease risk in the elderly population. However, with lifestyle changes,hypertension is becoming younger.

EspeciallyHigh work pressure, often staying up late, socializing a lot< /strong>young and middle-aged people are becomingthe “new darlings” of high blood pressure. Due to the low detection rate of hypertension in these people, they are called the “invisible family” of hypertension.

Why does hypertension prefer these people?

High salt, high sugar and high fat diet, lack ofExercise, overweight and obesity, stress load, lack of sleep and changes in hormone levels are the main mechanisms of hypertension in young and middle-aged people.

In addition, increased estrogen can cause vasodilation , which is conducive to the decrease in blood pressure, so when women reach menopause, the decline in estrogen levels will lead to increased blood pressure levels.

Characteristics of hypertension in young adults01

Atypical symptoms

Except for some patients with high blood pressure due to dizziness, headache or other symptoms, most young and middle-aged hypertensive patients have no obvious symptoms.


Mild High blood pressure mostly


Mainly elevated diastolic blood pressure

Studies show that even if systolic blood pressure is not high (<120mmHg), the risk of cardiovascular death is significantly higher increased significantly with diastolic blood pressure.


Combined overweight /High rates of obesity and metabolic abnormalities


Low rate of home self-measured blood pressure


Poor treatment compliance and low blood pressure control

Misunderstanding of hypertension in young and middle-aged peopleThere are many misunderstandings in the treatment process of hypertensive patients, especially young and middle-aged hypertensive patients. Because I am still young, I don’t pay attention to it, I don’t do anything, and I don’t believe what the doctors and pharmacists say. Common mistakes are:

01Reluctance to take medicine

Many patients have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and have developed dizziness Headaches and other discomforts, even if they refuse to take medicine, doctors and pharmacists ignore their persuasion, but they have a soft spot for some health products, blood pressure meters, etc. The reason for this is that the concept of “drugs are poisonous” is deeply rooted, and they are afraid of the side effects of drugs; in addition, they mistakenly believe that “high blood pressure drugs will be addictive”.

In fact, long-term clinical practice has proved that most of the commonly used antihypertensive drugs are safe and effective Yes, the side effects are reversible and mild. An antihypertensive drug is not a drug, nor is it addictive.

02No pain, no medication

Patients with high blood pressure should not mistakenly think that if there is no feeling or discomfort, there is no high blood pressure and no treatment is needed. In fact, asymptomatic hypertension is just as dangerous.

03< strong data-brushtype="text">Not taking the medicine as prescribed

The patient’s blood pressure dropped to normal after a period of treatment with antihypertensive drugs, that is, the drug was stopped voluntarily. After the blood pressure rose again, the medication was started again. This not only fails to achieve the therapeutic effect, but also damages vital organs due to large fluctuations in blood pressure.

04medication without blood pressure measurement

The symptoms of high blood pressure and blood pressure levels may vary However, it is not necessarily consistent with the severity of the disease. The severity of symptoms cannot be used to estimate the level of blood pressure and determine the dosage of antihypertensive drugs.

It is often wrong to estimate blood pressure based on self-feeling, and it is easy to delay treatment.

Young and middle-aged hypertensive patients Self-Healing Management

(1) Attach importance to blood pressure management and early intervention.

(2) Non-drug treatment emphasizes daily salt limit to 5g, smoking cessation and alcohol limit, and daily diet to ensure that at least Half a catty of vegetables, exercise for half an hour every day.


(4) The blood pressure target should be clearly defined, usually the blood pressure should be reduced to <140/90mmHg, if it can be tolerated, most patients can further reduce the blood pressure. to <130/80mmHg.

(5) Measure blood pressure correctly and take medicine as prescribed by the doctor.

(6)Comprehensive management of obesity, dyslipidemia and elevated blood sugar.

Source: Chronic Disease Control and Health

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