Feeling very tired all the time, when your body sends out 3 signals, it means you need to rest

With increasing social pressure, many people are engaged in high-intensity work. The human body is very prone to overworked after intense work.

Excessive physical activity can cause many uncomfortable symptoms in the body, which are the signal to stop work, if the body always feels Very tired and the body sends out these three rest signals.

Then we must pay attention and take rest in time to avoid serious consequences.

One, keep yawning

a lot Everyone has had the experience of yawning. When the body is tired or lack of sleep, the human body will yawn. Phenomenon.

Yawning is actually a humane self-protective behavior. After yawning, the human body will feel relaxed.

But at the same time, if you are always yawning frequently, then it means that the human body is already very tired, and now it must be done Timely rest, if you don’t rest and continue to work forcibly, you may become powerless due to exhaustion at work;

And work in mental state is likely to result in accidents, so in order to be able to The next job you do better, you should take appropriate breaks when you are tired. It’s best to take a nap in the middle of the day.

Second, chest discomfort

In recent years , as more and more people suffer from sudden death from fatigue, people pay more and more attention to this area. Later research found that when the human body is excessive fatigue, it will not only cause heart function to decline.

And it can also cause bad blood flow throughout the body. After decreased heart function and poor blood flow, the body will experience chest tightness, shortness of breath and chest pain. If you experience chest discomfort during the day, you must timely rest.

If prolonged rest does not relieve chest discomfort, then seek immediate medical attention< /strong>, and conduct the relevant medical examination.

Three, dizziness

< p>In daily life, many people will find that when they are very fatigue, they will appear dizziness. The function of fluid circulation will be reduced, and at this time, the brain will produce dizziness under the condition of insufficient blood supply;

And over-fatigue can easily lead to lack of nutrients in the human body. When blood cannot normally supplement the nutrients the human body needs, it will also cause human body Lack of energy.

Therefore, if you experience dizziness due to fatigue, you must timely rest, no more Do vigorous activity.

Although life is very stressful, in daily life, you should pay attention to your physical and mental health. In the case of excessive fatigue, be sure to pay attention to rest;

do not continue to high-intensity work, if Continuing high-intensity work under the condition of physical exhaustion will cause great damage to your physical and mental health.

So in order to keep your body healthy, Be sure to pay attention to rest. In addition, if the discomfort caused by excessive fatigue is still not relieved in the case of rest, then Go to the hospital in time for medical treatment, and carry out the corresponding treatment, do not take medicine blindly and without permission.

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