Shengjing Hospital held Liaoning Provincial Hospital Association DRG and Hospital Refinement Management Training Course

[Source: Liaoning Provincial Health and Health Commission_Provincial Unit News]

Recently, sponsored by the Liaoning Provincial Hospital Association Medical Insurance Management Committee , the Liaoning Provincial Hospital Association DRG and Hospital Refinement Management Training Course hosted by Shengjing Hospital was held online. More than 1,200 hospital managers and medical workers from the three northeastern provinces and some hospitals in Shandong Province attended the meeting.
The Secretary-General of Liaoning Hospital Association pointed out that the reform of medical insurance payment method aims to improve the efficiency of medical insurance funds, and use limited medical insurance funds to purchase higher-quality medical services for insured persons At the same time, it encourages medical institutions and doctors to actively standardize medical service behaviors, enhance the endogenous driving force for cost control, and allow medical insurance and medical care to “go toward each other”. With the continuous improvement of my country’s medical security system and the gradual deepening of the reform of medical insurance payment methods, how to build a refined hospital management system based on DRG is an urgent issue to be solved. It is believed that the theoretical interpretation and case sharing of experts will surely provide new ideas and useful references for the development of medical insurance management in our province, and escort the healthy development of medical insurance.
Director of the National Medical Record Management Quality Control Center and a number of hospital management experts from Peking University Third Hospital, Shandong Province, Jilin Province, and Liaoning Province, focusing on DRG and medical record management, Special lectures were given on issues such as medical quality management, clinical pathway management, discipline construction management, and operational performance management.

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