Strengthening the righteousness and eliminating evil spirits are healthy

[Source: Yuncheng News Network_Culture]

Guest Wang Shuicheng: Senior Consultant of the National Diet Therapy and Health Conference, National First-Class Health Manager.

As the saying goes, “righteousness is memory, evil cannot do it”. When the human body is healthy, it is not easy for evil qi to invade, and there will be no disease.

[Ask] What does “reinvigorating the righteousness and eliminating evil spirits” specifically mean?

[Answer] “Fuzheng” and “removing evil” are commonly used terms in Chinese medicine, which refer to two different principles adopted by Chinese medicine in treatment.

“Zheng” refers to righteousness, which is a general term for the functions of the human body, but usually refers to the body’s ability to resist disease in contrast to the evil. “Evil”, also known as evil qi, refers to various pathogenic factors and their pathological damage relative to the human body’s righteous qi. Good and evil are two aspects of the unity of opposites. The occurrence and development of disease can be said to be determined by the rise and fall of the forces of good and evil in a certain sense.

“Su Wen” discusses the relationship between righteousness and evil. When evil prevails, the disease progresses; when righteousness prevails, the disease recedes. Therefore, changing the balance of power between the good and the evil, so that the evil can be eliminated, is conducive to the transformation of the direction of disease recovery.

Rightening, that is, the use of drugs that support righteousness or other therapies (such as acupuncture, tuina massage, etc.), combined with appropriate nutrition and functional exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the body’s disease resistance and natural repair capabilities , in order to achieve the purpose of eliminating pathogens and restoring health. It is suitable for the disease syndromes where the deficiency of the positive and the evil is not prosperous, and the main is the deficiency of the positive. According to the specific situation of the patient, supplementary methods such as nourishing qi, nourishing blood, nourishing yin, and helping yang can be used respectively.

Dispelling pathogens is to use drugs that attack and chase away pathogenic qi, or use other treatments such as acupuncture, massage, surgery, etc., to get rid of pathogenic factors, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating pathogens and restoring them. It is suitable for diseases in which evil qi is high, righteous qi is not weakened, and evil is the main contradiction. Clinically, according to the different conditions of the evil, the treatment methods such as sweating, attacking, eliminating conduction, removing blood stasis, vomiting, eliminating dampness, and expelling wind can be used respectively.

[Ask] Clinically, how to strengthen the body and eliminate pathogenic factors?

【Answer】The combination of strengthening the righteousness and expelling the evil energy refers to the treatment of diseases that are deficient in the righteous qi and full of evil qi. At this time, simply attacking the evil will hurt the righteousness even more; simply strengthening the righteousness will cause the evil to remain. Therefore, it is necessary to treat both righteousness and expelling pathogens at the same time. In clinical practice, according to the specific condition, either expelling pathogenic factors is the main method, and supporting the righteousness is supplemented; Evil, and then righting, flexible use.

In the clinical application of the law of strengthening the righteousness and eliminating the evil, it is necessary to carefully observe and analyze the mutual ebb and flow of the two sides. According to the position of righteousness and evil in the struggle of contradictions, the priority of righting and eliminating evil is determined. When applying the principles of strengthening the righteousness and eliminating pathogenic factors, it should also be noted that strengthening the righteousness must prevent the evils from being retained; Therefore, when removing the evil, one must consider the patient’s depletion of the righteous qi. Similarly, when strengthening the righteousness, the rise and fall of the evil qi must also be considered. Only in this way can we achieve the purpose of strengthening the righteous without leaving the evil and eliminating the evil without harming the righteous.

【Ask】In clinical practice, what are the principles for the application of strengthening the righteousness and eliminating pathogenic factors?

【Answer】According to different situations, it can be divided into three small principles, namely, strengthening the right to eliminate the evil, eliminating the evil to strengthen the right, and using both the strengthening and the eliminating the evil. The diseases to which these three principles apply Different, we can choose according to the specific situation.

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