Why can’t the long mass beside the anus be squeezed by hand? What should I do if I have a perianal abscess?

[Source: Red Net]

Red Net Moment News, June 14th (correspondent Shu Li) Perianal abscess, also known as anal canal Perirectal abscess is an anorectal disease characterized by a long mass next to the anus. Many patients with perianal abscess think that the long mass next to the anus is the same as the acne on the face, as long as it is squeezed out, it will be fine. But in fact, this is an incorrect treatment method. After the mass next to the anus is squeezed out, not only will it not be good, but it may also lead to serious consequences.

Kou Wen, a physician at Changsha East Great Anorectal Hospital, introduced that perianal abscess is a purulent lesion caused by local infection. Generally, after the onset of the disease, patients will first feel a small lump or mass around the anus, followed by increased pain, redness, swelling, fever, discomfort, restlessness, inability to sleep at night, constipation, poor urination, tenesmus and other rectal irritation symptoms. Then there may be systemic poisoning symptoms such as general malaise, mental fatigue, increased body temperature, loss of appetite, chills and high fever. In this case, if the patient squeezes it by hand, it is easy to cause the infection to spread, which will make the condition more serious, and even lead to the formation of anal fistula. Therefore, when a perianal abscess occurs, do not squeeze it with your hands. So what should I do if a perianal abscess occurs?

Kou Wen pointed out that, generally speaking, when patients have symptoms of perianal abscess, they should be treated in time to avoid the aggravation of the disease. The incidence of perianal abscess is divided into several different stages, and the treatment methods for different stages are also different.

1. Early stage of onset

In the early stage of perianal abscess, that is, when mild local pain or swelling has just appeared, and there is no redness or suppuration, antibiotics can be actively used Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment, so that inflammation subsides or localizes, does not continue to expand and spread.

2. Pus-forming stage

If there is no timely treatment at the early stage of the disease, the perianal tissue liquefies into pus, and it will enter the stage of complete abscess formation. At this time, the local tissue has a throbbing pain, and when palpated, the affected area is found to be soft and fluid. At this time, the simple application of anti-inflammatory drug treatment, although the symptoms are relieved, it is easy to cause the abscess to develop to other spaces, so timely surgical incision is needed to drain the abscess.

3. Burst stage

Once the perianal abscess is formed, a large amount of purulent secretions will accumulate in the abscess. The swelling may be reduced as the pus drains, and if it is not treated in time, an anal fistula may form. At this time, surgery is the only treatment option.

Changsha Dongda Anorectal Hospital reminds that when there are symptoms related to perianal abscesses such as long masses next to the anus, you should avoid squeezing them with your hands, and you should go to a regular hospital as soon as possible to take appropriate measures Carry out treatment to avoid exacerbation of the disease, increase your own pain and difficulty in treatment.

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