Osteoporosis is not just a “senile disease”, early prevention and early detection are the key

[Source: China Net Health]

Osteoporosis is not just a “senile disease”, early prevention and early detection is the key

Recently, “Liu Genghong Boy” and “Osteoporosis” “Liu Genghong Girl” is popular in the circle of friends. Every day, people post photos and videos of themselves diligently following Liu Genghong’s dance and fitness. However, it is very “difficult” for friends who usually lack exercise. Within two days, someone cried and complained that the old waist was twisted, the ankle was twisted, and even worse, the whole body was in pain after just eight beats.

Why is this happening? In medicine, it is often said that “a person is not old, the body will decline first”, and the cause of the problem lies in the “bone”. If you feel lower back pain and general bone pain during exercise, you should be alert to osteoporosis at this time. Many people may think, “Isn’t that a disease that only old people get? I’m still young!” But this is not the case.

Is osteoporosis a disease exclusively for the elderly?

Many people think that osteoporosis is a disease of old age, but in fact, anyone at any age may have osteoporosis, and women are more likely to suffer from it than men. high.

Women begin to lose bone from the age of 35, which is irreversible. Especially after women enter menopause, the level of estrogen decreases, and the speed of bone resorption will accelerate. All parts began to appear “old state”.

The reason is that nowadays some young people usually suffer from dieting, picky eaters, sedentary and not exercising, staying at home and other problems, which makes the progress of human bone aging continue to advance. According to the survey, from the age of 40, the bones of the human body will gradually lose bone mass, but now, when the average person is about 35 years old, the bone mass begins to decline, and the bone density decreases.

What are the consequences of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, in simple terms, is a “systemic bone disease” in which bone density becomes thinner and bone strength decreases, resulting in an increased risk of fractures. The consequences of osteoporosis are usually fractures, and severe cases can lead to death, so young people must be aware of the health hazards brought about by osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a “silent killer”. There are usually no obvious clinical manifestations in the early stage, but through subtle signals, it can still sound the alarm for us. For example, shortening of height, hunchback or back pain, and even fragility fractures, etc., may be caused by osteoporosis. For example, many patients are diagnosed after fractures.

Therefore, timely supplementation is very important to resist the degenerative changes in bone aging process.

Regular inspections and early intervention are very important

For every “Liu Genghong boy and girl”, if they want to practice aerobics easily, first of all Having a clear understanding of your own body, such as regular bone density checks, is a very critical and important means.

In addition, drug intervention can also be used. Researchers from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine have found through experimental studies that Bazi Bushen may increase bone quality by up-regulating SIRT6 and inhibiting the expression of NF-κB and cathepsin K, thereby inhibiting bone resorption.

When the muscle strength test, pole climbing test, hanging test, and rotarod test were used to observe and evaluate the exercise tolerance and coordination ability of aging mice, it was further shown that Bazi tonifying kidney can help strengthen skeletal muscle function, Improve athletic endurance and coordination.

Although osteoporosis is invisible and intangible, it is hidden at all ages in human life and affects our lifespan, health and quality of life. Therefore, prevention should be done sooner rather than later. If you want to become a qualified “Liu Genghong boy and girl”, you must prevent and treat osteoporosis early! (Hongyan)

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