Share a cost-effective way to increase insulin sensitivity and delay diabetes progression

In recent years, scientists have discovered that vitamin D can enhance insulin sensitivity and delay the progression of diabetes.

So, vitamin D deficiency is common in diabetic patients. How to supplement vitamin D?

1. The most economical method – sun exposure

during the sunny season and regions, vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin by exposure to sunlight, preferably between 10-11 am or 2-3 pm, expose extremities to sunlight for 5-30 minutes, 3 times a week, for skin synthesis enough vitamin D.

However, due to the low temperature in the seasons other than summer, the limbs cannot be fully exposed, so vitamin D supplementation is often required in seasons other than summer.

2. Other ways to supplement vitamin D span>

(1) Food supplements of vitamin D

Food sources of vitamin D supplements, including: plants Sexual foods (mushrooms exposed to sunlight) and animal foods (wild fatty marine fish).

(2) Vitamin supplements with drugs

The general population in my country is less active in outdoor activities, and the The use of sunscreens and parasols leads to insufficient skin synthesis of vitamin D, and lack of vitamin D fortified foods. Most people are in a state of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.

It is recommended for the general population to routinely supplement vitamin D. Generally speaking, 800-2000iu of vitamin D orally every day strong>, it can not only prevent vitamin D deficiency, but also is not prone to vitamin D excess.

Tips: The difference between ordinary vitamin D and active vitamin D

Vitamin D is divided into ordinary vitamin D and active vitamin D.

Ordinary vitamin D is a nutritional supplement used to treat patients with vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D2 and D3 are both common vitamin D.

Active vitamin D includes calcitriol and alfacalcidol, which are widely used in osteoporosis, hypoparathyroidism, osteomalacia and chronic kidney disease – Treatment of various metabolic bone diseases such as mineral abnormalities.

The use of active vitamin D or its analogs in place of regular vitamin D is not recommended.

Author: Wang Hong, Deputy Chief Physician, Tiantan Community Health Service Center, Dongcheng District, Beijing