Post-00 girl admitted to hospital with lung infection after playing escape room 3 times a week


After #00, the girl escaped from the room 3 times a week caused lung infection#

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Escape room is highly sought after by young people because of its excitement

But because of the closed environment and dim lighting

not only there are safety hazards


Players are easily bruised and bruised

and may also be infected with some diseases


Fuzhou 22-year-old girl Xiaoyou (pseudonym) )

After one month of continuous chest pain and dry cough

diagnosed as “pulmonary cryptococcosis”

and the source of pathogenic bacteria

It is likely to be the space she frequents

“Escape Room”

Playing “Escape Room” for 2 months in a row

The girl has chest pain and dry cough for a month< /p>

Xiaoyou is a fan of “room escape” games, and has liked to play with her classmates since college. A few months ago, Xiaoyou went to an “Escape Room” game space in Fuzhou to check in two or three times a week. After going there for 2 consecutive months, Xiaoyou began to experience tightness and pain in the lower left side of the chest, and the pain worsened when she took a deep breath and coughed. Severe, and the symptoms of non-stop dry cough, this situation continued for a month.

Seeing that the situation has not improved, I don’t know why. The anxious mother took Xiaoyou to the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Fuzhou First Hospital.

“The patient is relatively fat, with poor living and resting habits, and his overall physical condition is not good.” Deputy Chief Physician Lin Xinfeng, the second division of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, asked Xiaoyou’s situation in detail to understand Until she doesn’t like to eat staple food, likes snacks and sweets, has irregular work and rest, habitually stays up late, and often plays escape room. Based on Xiaoyou’s medical history and the fact that Xiaoyou’s symptoms did not ease after taking antibacterial drugs, Lin Xinfeng suspected that Xiaoyou might be infected with “Cryptococcus pulmonary” based on her previous admissions experience and lung images taken by other hospitals.

Subsequently, Xiaoyou performed blood drawing and lung CT examination. The blood draw results showed that the qualitative and quantitative indicators of Cryptococcus in Xiaoyou’s blood were “positive”, and the CT imaging results of the lungs also showed that there were patchy consolidation shadows and cavities outside her lower left lung, which were all infected lungs. Typical signs of postcoccosis. In order to further clarify the nature of the infection, Deputy Chief Physician Lin Xinfeng performed CT-guided percutaneous lung biopsy on Xiaoyou. During the operation, it was clearly seen that Xiaoyou’s lung lesions had formed a 4cmx2.7cmx4.4cm consolidation shadow.

After the cause was identified, Xiaoyou was hospitalized and discharged from the hospital and received standard anti-cryptococcal therapy. After 1 month of re-examination of lung CT, the consolidation shadow was reduced to 2.9*1.7*2.6cm. Xiaoyou has returned to work.

Cryptococcus is ubiquitous

People with low immunity are susceptible to infection

According to the doctor, Cryptococcus is an opportunistic pathogenic fungus. It can exist in large quantities in soil, bird droppings, fruits, vegetables, especially pigeon droppings, as well as in the skin, mucous membranes and feces of the human body. There may also be a large number of Cryptococcus in some closed, dark, damp and unventilated spaces. . This kind of bacteria often enters while taking advantage of it, and it is easy to attack people with low immunity such as autoimmune diseases, the use of hormones, and immune preparations. Because Xiaoyou is fat, has irregular work and rest, and has unbalanced nutrition, her body immunity is lower than that of normal people, and she is more likely to be infected with Cryptococcus than normal people.

Cryptococcus generally causes respiratory tract infection after inhalation of the respiratory tract. The initial infection focus is mostly the lungs, but it can spread from the lungs to other parts of the body, and the skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, bones, internal organs, etc. will be invaded , the most vulnerable is the central nervous system, causing cryptococcal meningitis. Common symptoms of infected patients are fever, progressive headache, nausea, vomiting, mental and neurological symptoms (confusion, irritability, disorientation, behavior changes, lethargy, etc.), and patients infected with Cryptococcus pulmonary will routinely undergo lumbar puncture examination to rule out meningitis.

The doctor reminds the general public not to go to escape rooms too often, and it is best to choose a place with better ventilation and sanitation environment when going to play. If your body resistance is relatively low, try to avoid going to such places. In addition, it is recommended that everyone eat a healthy diet, work and rest reasonably, maintain appropriate exercise, and improve immunity.

Source: Political and Legal Channel, Fuzhou First Hospital, Shanhai Video