Yandu Branch of Yancheng Medical Insurance Center organized a DRG business exchange symposium

[Source: Yancheng Medical Security Bureau_Grassroots News]

In order to further deepen the reform of the DRG payment method and promote the hospital to improve the level of refined management. Recently, the Yandu Sub-center of the Municipal Medical Insurance Center specially organized a DRG business exchange symposium. The meeting invited Chen Yuanxiang, Director of the Medical Service Management Office of the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, to analyze the DRG operation data. Lou Wang, Qin Nan, and Dagang were the first batch of DRGs. The president of the pilot township health center and the person in charge of the medical record filing attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Director Chen Yuanxiang introduced the progress of DRG payment method reform in our city with the title of “Data Analysis Report on DRG Payment by Three Hospitals in Yandu District”, combined with DRG’s “Implementation Rules” and other policy documents , in-depth analysis of the indicators and data of the three hospitals since the DRG payment operation in October 2021, and gave specific examples to explain the problems in the filling of medical records. The three hospitals made speeches and exchanges on the problems encountered in the DRG work. Everyone believed that the symposium was held in a timely manner. Through the analysis of indicators and data and business exchange and learning, they had a better understanding of the mutual restriction and promotion of the DRG payment reform and hospital management. , benefit greatly. Everyone said that it is necessary to strengthen the internal management of the hospital, reasonably control the medical cost, adjust the medical cost structure, and effectively improve the medical service capacity.

The meeting emphasized that the reform of DRG medical insurance payment method is an important livelihood project, which is related to the health and interests of the general public. It is necessary to constantly find gaps and make up for shortcomings with high standards and strict requirements for workstations. It is necessary to improve business capabilities and service levels step by step, and promote the smooth and orderly operation of reform work with firm determination and tenacious perseverance.

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