A 6-year-old girl has “cauliflower” in her throat, and she snores and snores for two years!

Children are laughing and yelling,

sometimes chatty and other lively natures,

make them often hoarse,

But if this situation cannot be relieved for a long time,

Parents need to pay special attention!


Origin: 6-year-old girl hoarseness and snoring for 2 years

6-year-old Zhangzhou child Tingting suddenly developed hoarseness at the age of 4 , Not only did not improve significantly in the past 2 years, but gradually increased, gradually decreased the volume, and began to snoring while sleeping, and the snoring became louder and louder.

Therefore, the parents took their children to the Department of Voice (Second Ward of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery) of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University.

The doctor found through stroboscopic laryngoscope: Tingting’s larynx was covered with irregular papilloma-like neoplasms, blocking the larynx cavity, involving the glottis and supraglottic areas, and the child’s ventricular zone , The structure of the vocal cords can no longer be seen clearly. Continued progress will lead to suffocation. Surgery must be performed as soon as possible!


Clearance: The Department of Voice and the Department of Surgical Anesthesiology work together


The team of Professor Zhuang Peiyun, the head of the Voice Department and Chief Physician of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University, immediately contacted the Department of Surgical Anesthesiology. Plan your surgery carefully.

Due to the severe blockage of Tingting’s glottis, induction of anesthesia can easily lead to suffocation. In this case, tracheotomy is usually recommended, but the child is still young and parents are unbearable, and tracheotomy can easily lead to papilloma spread.


For the child’s faster recovery, Chief Physician Shen Wei of the Department of Surgical Anesthesiology took huge risks and formulated multiple alternatives.

With rich experience, we successfully performed general anesthesia with minimal trauma of endotracheal intubation for the child. The intraoperative anesthesia team closely watched various monitoring instruments throughout the whole process to escort the child to open the “door of life” .


Professor Zhuang led the team to seize the time to use low-temperature plasma to excise the laryngeal papilloma for the young children, and completely remove the laryngeal papilloma.

The operation went smoothly, and the child had no adverse postoperative complications. The snoring disappeared the night after the operation, and the child could get out of bed and play games happily the next morning. The hoarseness had improved significantly, and the glottis had also opened.

Tingting, a child from Zhangzhou who received surgical treatment for hoarseness, snoring, and snoring due to “cauliflower” in her throat, came to Xiamen University

The voice department of the Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital has undergone a follow-up visit.

Now she is recovering well!


Special reminder: the hoarseness keeps getting worse and may be life-threatening!

HPV, the main pathogen of childhood laryngeal papilloma, is a DNA virus that is addicted to the skin, reproductive tract, and respiratory mucosa. There are many subtypes, and it is latent and easy to activate replication. Therefore, prevention is more important than treatment. At present, surgery + adjuvant therapy (such as drugs, vaccines, gene therapy, etc.) can help control symptoms and prolong the recurrence time.

Treatment should be done early, otherwise the tumor will overgrow and cause breathing problems, which will bring huge risks to surgery and anesthesia, serious and even life-threatening!

Special reminder, in addition to common vocal cord nodules and vocal cord polyps, laryngeal papilloma can also cause hoarseness in children. Even life-threatening!

Source: Fujian Health News All Media Reporter: You Zhangyou