Xinmin Quick Review | Be the guardian of children’s myopia prevention and control

Recently, at the main event of the 27th National “Eye Love Day”, the National Health Commission’s Medical Administration and Hospital Administration interpreted and implemented the “14th Five-Year Plan for National Eye Health (2021-2025)” . Relevant experts suggest that parents should establish refractive development files from the age of 3, and conduct visual inspections twice a year to keep the first line of defense for children’s myopia prevention and control.

Image source: Oriental ic< /p>

The bright future of children is inseparable from bright eyes. Taking good care of children’s eyes is a major event that the country has always attached great importance to. The whole society must take action to jointly take care of the children’s eyes and let them have a bright future. Among them, in addition to schools should effectively increase children’s outdoor activities and physical exercise and reduce unnecessary academic burdens, families are also an important force for comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents.

Parents are the guardians of children and adolescents’ vision health. During this period of time, many primary and secondary school students in Shanghai have been studying at home for a long time. Without the supervision of teachers and the atmosphere of group learning, children are more likely to have some unhealthy eye-use behaviors, such as reading, writing and sitting. Normative, hunchback, crooked sitting, or even lying down or lying on one’s stomach to study, cause the child’s eyes to be too close to the computer screen. Too close eye distance will cause the eyes to exert more force, which is more likely to cause visual fatigue. These are all things that should be brought to the attention of parents. Once parents find that their child feels dry eyes, blurred vision, foreign body sensation, tilted head, frequent squinting, winking and other abnormal symptoms during the online class, and the eyes cannot be relieved after resting, they should seek professional services from medical institutions in time.

For children’s eyesight, parents should actively “prevent” and “control” correctly. Children are short-sighted, and many parents are reluctant to let their children wear glasses. Some parents believe that once the child wears glasses, the degree will become deeper and deeper. Some are desperately ill and go to the doctor, believing that misleading expressions such as “rehabilitation”, “recovery” and “reduction of degree” are used in the advertisements of myopia prevention and control products… These will delay the prevention and control of myopia for children. For parents, it is necessary to take their children to the optometry clinic of a regular hospital in time for medical optometry. In the case of controlling their own eyes, individualized methods are used to control the development of children’s myopia.

Parents are children’s first teachers, and their good habits will directly affect their children. For the health of children’s eyesight, parents may wish to put down their mobile phones, accompany their children more, develop good eye habits with their children, and be the guardians of children’s myopia prevention and control.

Fang Xiang/Text