The Lancet: About 27% of women over 15 worldwide have experienced intimate partner violence, and the mental health of survivors should be concerned

lead: strong>Globally,27% of women who have a partner have experienced physical or sexual or both intimate partner violence in their lifetime, 13 of whom % experienced intimate partner violence in the past year.

>Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), which is the occurrence of one or more physical, sexual, and psychological harm in a marriage, cohabitation, or any other union behavior, as well as emotional and financial abuse and control. The burden of IPV falls overwhelmingly on women and girls.

Intimate Partner Physical Violence, including but not limited to: being slapped in the face, being thrown with objects that may injure people, being kicked, dragged, pushed, beaten, intentionally suffocating or burned, being threatened with guns, knives and other weapons. Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, including but not limited to: physical coercion; engage in degrading or humiliating sexual acts.

IPV is the most common form of violence in the world, seriously endangering the physical and mental health of victims, including: physical injury, depression, anxiety, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and even death< /strong>. According to statistics, 38% to 50% of female murders worldwide are committed by intimate partners.

In February 2022, THE LANCET published a report from 161 countries , Research covering 90% of the global population of women and girls. Research findings: Globally,27% of women have experienced intimate partner violence, either physical, sexual, or both, in their lifetime, with 13% in the past year experienced intimate partner violence.


in the past In the past 25 years, scholars have tried to explain the mechanism of IPV from several theoretical models, among which the ecological model is the most accepted.

The model considers gender inequality, violence in social relations Normalization and acceptability and economic deprivation all drive men to implement IPV and put women at risk. Moreover, gender inequality and poverty also increase individual and relational factors (eg, poor mental health, substance abuse, childhood neglect and abuse, poor communication, and relational conflict responses), and factors at the individual, relational, community and societal levels promote The occurrence of IPV.

Among them, disability is a risk factor that exacerbates IPV.

Drivers of intimate partner violence p>

The study found that the incidence of IPV varies widely between regions and countries, with violence in low- and middle-income countries and regions Incidence tohigher than high-income countries. According to statistics, last year, 28 countries had rates of intimate partner violence that were significantly higher than the global average, several of which had more frequent internal conflicts.

This indicates that incidence of intimate partner violence span>Related to different social, economic and political circumstances that also limit women’s ability to leave abusive relationships, such as: Insecurity, gender unequal norms, massive social stigma, discriminatory family laws and inadequate support services.

These findings suggest that male intimate partner violence against women is widespread globally.

Lifelong physical or sexual or both intimate partners among former partners, 15-49 years old, 2018 Estimated incidence of violence graph

IPVcausing spirit Health Problems

< span>Intimate partner violence IPV is a serious global public mental health problem, affecting the lives of millions of women and their children around the world.

Exposure to IPV in childhood or adulthood has been linked to a range of mental health problems, suicidal ideation and Tendency to attempt suicide. Furthermore,children who have been exposed to IPV are at increased risk of later abuse and neglect (experience of maltreatment or IPV in childhood greatly increases the risk of experiencing IPV in adulthood).

People diagnosed with mental health problems experience IPV risk more than people without mental health problems Higher,Mental health issues themselves also make individuals more likely to experience IPV.

The Lancet Psychiatry recently released a report on advancing intimate partner violence Articles on mental health services, research and policy with recommendations for addressing IPV.

In addition, improvements across sectors (eg, academia, policy, health services, specialist services, criminal justice services ) to provide safe, rehabilitative, and healthy pathways for those experiencing IPV, including trauma-based approaches to care.

Respect Women, Address Gender Inequities

Research shows that sex The risk of IPV appears to be highest in countries where equality and violence against women are generally accepted. There is growing evidence that gender transition interventions are effective in preventing IPV.

Past Recommendations strong>

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