Can hepatitis B patients eat mutton? Reminder: To protect the liver, 4 types of foods are recommended to avoid

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by infection with hepatitis B virus.After the hepatitis B virus invades liver cells, it will change the surface of liver cells, causing Attack and destruction of the liver by the immune system.

Because hepatitis B is very contagious, many people regard hepatitis B as a plague. In fact, there are three main ways of transmission of hepatitis B< strong>Mother-to-child transmission, blood transmission and body fluid transmission.

Hepatitis B itself is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is the consequences of hepatitis B. Some chronic hepatitis B patients, At the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, whether in active hepatitis or inactive liver disease, liver cells may appear to be inflamed to varying degreesand are constantly destroyed. The damage is even worse during the event.

After a long time

, the injured liver is prone to form many scars, that is, liver fibrosis, which will eventually develop into cirrhosis. Cirrhosis seriously damages the function of the liver, resulting in decompensation of liver function, and then ascites, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, encephalopathy, etc. Complications,the biggest threat is liver cancer.

Liver cancer occurs in approximately 2% of patients with chronic hepatitis B cirrhosis each year< span>, even HBV carriers with no obvious liver damage are still at risk of developing liver cancer, especially those who have been carrying the virus for more than 20 years.

1How should hepatitis B be treated?

viral carrier period span>

The hepatitis B virus carrier period is generally the indicator of hepatitis B virus in the hepatitis B carrier, but there is no attack and obvious symptoms, this time should be Regular liver function tests, two and a half of hepatitis B and alpha-fetoprotein, liver B-ultrasound.

At ordinary times, you need to pay attention to adjusting your diet, quit smoking and drinking, keep your diet light, and exercise more to improve your immunity. Guaranteed nutrition.

hepatitis B attack

The active period of inflammation is the golden period of anti-virus. At this time, nucleoside drugs and interferon are mainly used for anti-viral treatment, and immune adjustment is also used. Drugs, drugs to protect liver cells, at this time should also pay attention to intake of adequate nutrition, more rest and more exercise.

hepatitis B stable >

The stable phase of hepatitis B is the stage in which most patients with chronic hepatitis B are It is also necessary to regular review and on-time medication, so as to prolong the survival period and improve the quality of life.

2Can hepatitis B patients eat lamb?

The nutritional value of mutton is relatively high, and mutton is very nourishing. Eating mutton properly can supplement high-quality protein, and the The protein quality is much higher than that of beef and pork. Compared with other meats, mutton contains higher content of trace elements and vitamin C.

Many people think that hepatitis B patients should not eat mutton, because the fat content in mutton is relatively high. If you eat too much, It will increase the fat around the liver and accelerate the arrival of fatty liver.

In fact, this statement is also one-sided. In fact, for hepatitis B patients, if they like to eat mutton, they can choose stewed mutton at ordinary times, and > As long as the amount is controlled, there is no problem.

Baking is more popular in summer, so it is not recommended for everyone to eat it Lamb, because mutton will produce carcinogen benzopyrene after being grilled at high temperature, which will also affect the digestion and absorption of the stomach and increase the burden on the liver, so for hepatitis B patients, you can eat mutton in moderation, but the cooking method Very important, and there is no problem with controlling the amount.

3Reminder: To protect the liver, 4 types of foods are recommended to be avoidedThe carotid artery is a matter of life and death. In daily life, we must eat more of the following 4 types of foods that can clear blood vessels , to prevent the formation of thrombosis.

Type 1

Pickled vegetables

Although pickled vegetables are more appetizing, this food is in the process of pickling A large amount of edible salt is added, and nitrite is produced during the production process. After nitrite enters the body, it will be converted into nitrosamine, which is a very strong carcinogen , can destroy liver cells and cause liver cancer.

Type 2

Uncooked food

Don’t eat some half-cooked food, especially seafood, such as drunk fish, drunk shrimp, raw Seafood such as fish fillets is easy to breed parasites. If you eat this kind of food, it will increase the burden on the stomach and stomach, and also cause gastroenteritis, At the same time, it will increase Risk of liver disease, especially for people with hepatitis B, which can worsen the condition.

Type ③

< span>Spicy and stimulating food

Nowadays, many people especially like to eat some spicy and stimulating food, which makes it more appetizing However, for patients with liver disease, eating too much spicy and stimulating food will lead to a large amount of gastric acid secretion, which will also increase the burden on the liver, and also induce gastrointestinal bleeding and increase the risk of liver disease.

Type 4

< span>Moldy and spoiled food

Moldy and spoiled food has been infected with aflatoxin, even if the damaged part is cut off, the rest The part of the liver has already been infected. If you continue to eat it, it will cause great damage to the liver and easily induce liver cancer.

4 How to prevent hepatitis B?

Cut off the transmission route

The transmission routes of hepatitis B mainly include blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission and sexual contact transmission.

In daily life, the hepatitis B virus will spread through the following ways:

  • Birth (transmission from infected mother to baby during infection)

  • Having sex with an infected partner

  • Share needles, syringes, or medication preparation equipment

  • Share items such as toothbrushes, razors, or medical equipment (such as blood glucose meters) with an infected person< /p>

  • Direct contact with the blood or wound of the infected person

  • Exposure to the blood of the infected person through needle sticks or other sharp tools Medium

Of course, the hepatitis B virus only occurs when blood, semen or other bodily fluids infected with the hepatitis B virus enter the body of an uninfected person. spread.

Normal daily contact, such as eating together, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, shaking hands, coughing or sneezing, will not transmit HBV, nor through food Or waterborne, so don’t worry too much.

Early vaccinated

Protect vulnerable populations

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The most effective way to prevent hepatitis B virus infection is to get the hepatitis B vaccine.

The protective effect of antibody responders to hepatitis B vaccine generally lasts for at least 30 years.

Hepatitis B virus high-risk groups and people with negative antibodies especially , It is recommended to get vaccinated as soon as possible!

  • Newborn (free vaccination)

  • People with incomplete or unknown history of hepatitis B vaccination, or with negative hepatitis B “two and a half” tests, and hepatitis B surface antibody <10mIU/mL.

  • family members of hepatitis B patients

  • multiple sexual partners

  • Kindergarten staff

  • Patients and healthcare workers who frequently come into contact with blood

  • immune compromised people

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  • Intravenous drug users

Source of this article: Dr. Lilac, Zhi Talk about Health span>The copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact us in time, we will delete it immediately, thank you