Why does cancer love these 5 kinds of people more? Just based on these points..


human life An unsolved mystery in the Nondrinkers

may die of cancer

Everyone can get cancer >

Research has shown that

About 200 genes will mutate in a person’s lifetime

This mutation is good or bad

Many of them are cancer cells

That is to say

Everyone is at risk of cancer

But the body’s immune system can

< p>Continuously identify and suppress these cancer cells

Keep the body in a healthy state of homeostasis


When abnormal environmental stimuli + weakened immunity

this balance will be disrupted

causing cancer

Who is more likely to be targeted by cancer?

Global statistics in 2020

More than 19 million new cancer cases

< p>Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest number of new cases

followed by lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer< /strong>

These 5 types of cancer not only have high incidence rates

The rate is also very high

early screening is necessary


In addition to necessary cancer screening

World Cancer Fund and the American Cancer Institute

the following cancer prevention recommendations are made:


weight control

Use BMI (Body Mass Index) as a reference

BMI=weight (kg)÷height (m) squared

more than 24 is overweight

normal weight: 18.5-23.9

underweight: less than 18.5

overweight: greater than or equal to 24

Obesity: greater than or equal to 28


Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes

Eat fast food high in fat, sugar and starch< /p>

Eat less red meat, processed meat, salt, and less sugary sweet drinks


Do not take medicines without permission Cancer

Patients should follow their doctor’s advice as much as possible

Today in the 21st century

Cancer is still an unsolved mystery

Long treatment cycles

Heavy medical burden

Enough to overwhelm a middle-class family

so in the case of conditional prevention

avoiding carcinogenic factors in time< /strong>

Doing cancer screening

is a very necessary thing

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[1] Chen Hongda, Zheng Rongshou, Wang Le, Lu Zhangyan, Du Lingbin, Wei Wenqiang, Dai Min .2019 Advances in Cancer Epidemiology in China[J].Chinese Journal of Disease Control,2020,24(04):373-379.DOI:10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2020.04.001. p>

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【5】Chen Wanqing, Li Ni, Lan Ping, Chen Hongda, Du Lingbin, Sun Feng, Li Guowei, He Xiaosheng, Wang Le, Li Ziyi, Zhu Chen, Lu Ming, Cao Maomao, Sun Dianqin, He Siyi, Li He, Yang Zhuoyu. Guidelines for colorectal cancer screening, early diagnosis and early treatment in China ( 2020, Beijing) [J]. China Oncology, 2021, 30(01): 1-28.

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