It is a summer “detoxification flower” and can be called a “natural health product”. It reduces inflammation, reduces swelling, and lowers blood lipids. The whole family can use it!

Honeysuckle, everyone is very familiar with it. It is often seen in the treatment of colds, coughs and pharyngitis.

It is named “Honeysuckle” because of its white color at the beginning and yellow after one or two days.

Honeysuckle has a long history of medicinal use. As early as more than a thousand years ago, our ancestors began to use it to prevent and treat diseases.

Honeysuckle, the detox flower of summer!

Honeysuckle is sweet in taste, cold in nature, returns to the lung and stomach meridians, and has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing inflammation and swelling. Because of its fragrant smell, sweet and cold and heat-clearing without hurting the stomach, it is widely used in clinical practice.


Dispel wind and heat

Honeysuckle is good at removing lung fire, and is suitable for wind-heat colds, redness, swelling and heat pain, dizziness, headache, sweating and annoyance.

In the early stage of wind-heat and common cold, 20g of honeysuckle can be taken every day for decoction or tea, but it should not be consumed continuously for more than 1 week.


Antioxidant, protect blood vessels

Honeysuckle buds contain a large amount of chlorogenic acid, which can not only delay aging, resist oxidation, but also reduce cholesterol adhesion, protect blood vessels, and assist in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


Anti-inflammatory sterilization

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that honeysuckle has a broad antibacterial spectrum, and is effective against pneumococcus, meningococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pertussis bacillus, diphtheria bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus and certain skin Fungus has inhibitory effect; it also has inhibitory effect on leptospirosis, influenza virus and herpes virus.

The whole family benefits from eating honeysuckle like this in summer

Honeysuckle is a traditional Chinese medicine with the same origin of medicine and food. It is sweet and cold and clears heat without hurting the stomach. Occasionally substituting tea for tea or pairing with other ingredients is a good therapeutic recipe for clearing heat, relieving summer heat, preventing diseases and maintaining health.

Honeysuckle lotus seed soup

Honeysuckle lotus seed soup can clear heat and detoxify, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. All people who have diarrhea, dysentery, tenesmus and are accompanied by fever, anal burning, and upset due to heat toxin disturbing the large intestine can eat it.

Materials: 30 grams of honeysuckle, 50 grams of lotus seeds (without removing the core).

Method: Boil the honeysuckle first, remove the residue and add lotus seeds to boil. You can add some sugar when eating.

Sanhua Drink

Honeysuckle clears heat and detoxifies, wild chrysanthemum can dispel wind-heat and clear the head, and jasmine can promote Qi, soothe the liver and improve eyesight. This cup of three flower drink can be used as “herbal tea” to prevent heat and relieve heat in summer.

Taking Sanhuayin in hot summer can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and pain, soothe the liver and improve eyesight. You can also try this tea substitute if you have wind-heat cold, headache, sore throat, red eyes and soreness.

Materials: 10 grams of honeysuckle, 3 grams of wild chrysanthemum, 3 grams of jasmine.

Method: Pour honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum and jasmine into a cup, add boiling water to brew tea instead.

Silver chrysanthemum and hawthorn drink

Honeysuckle dissipates heat and detoxifies, hang chrysanthemum nourishes the liver and improves eyesight, and hawthorn promotes digestion and promotes blood circulation.

This tea-substituting diet is suitable for fever and headache caused by wind-heat and common cold. It can clear heat and detoxify, nourish the liver, improve eyesight, digest food and reduce fat. effect.

Materials: 30 grams of fresh honeysuckle, 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 30 grams of raw hawthorn, appropriate amount of honey or rock sugar.

Method: After washing the hawthorn, put it in the pot and boil it for 15 minutes, then add the chrysanthemum and honeysuckle, boil for another 5 minutes, and add honey to replace the tea.

Honeysuckle in water, and these benefits


Disperse heat and disperse evil

Honeysuckle has a certain conditioning effect on external wind-heat, body heat, headache, restlessness and less sleepiness, dry throat and mouth. In summer, if you get wind-heat and cold, you can drink honeysuckle in water, usually drink 3-4 times in a row, it will get better.


Cooling blood to stop dysentery

Honeysuckle has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and relieving dysentery. When there is a sore throat and anger, doctors generally recommend drinking more water, adding honeysuckle when drinking water, almost no need to take medicine, and drinking for 2-3 days will be good.


Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory

Modern pharmacological research believes that honeysuckle has the effects of inhibiting swelling, inflammation, and antipyretic, and can effectively promote the release of adrenal cortex hormones.

There are many raw and cold foods in summer, which are easy to cause diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Drinking honeysuckle in water can not only sterilize and stop diarrhea, but also improve the resistance of the stomach.


Lower blood lipids

The active substances in honeysuckle can combine with cholesterol to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the human body. Drinking honeysuckle in water can reduce plasma cholesterol levels.


Beauty and beauty

People usually drink honeysuckle tea, which can nourish the skin, lighten dark spots, and make the skin white, tender and smooth. Honeysuckle tea also contains anti-inflammatory and bactericidal ingredients, which can prevent pimples and acne from forming.

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Seven situations, stay away from honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is cold and cold, so it should be used with caution unless it is symptomatic.


Do not overdose

No more than 15 grams of honeysuckle for medicinal use, no more than 5 grams for tea substitute, and no more than 40 grams for porridge (soup).


Do not take during menstruation

Honeysuckle is cold in nature, so it is best not to take it during menstruation to avoid adverse effects on the body.


Spleen and stomach deficiency should be used with caution

Honeysuckle is a product of cold nature. For those with a deficient constitution or infirmity, it will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, which is very detrimental to health.


Do not take honeysuckle in water overnight

It is enough to soak honeysuckle in water for two or three times. It is best not to take it after overnight to avoid affecting your health due to deterioration.


Honeysuckle soaked in water is not suitable for cold drinks

Because the double cold can easily lead to diarrhea. After brewing in boiling water, take it while it is still hot, in order to better exert the medicinal effect and nutritional value of honeysuckle.


Honeysuckle soaked in water can not be drunk every day

You should choose to take honeysuckle only when your body is “getting angry”, and it is best not to drink it every day, otherwise it will cause great harm to the spleen and stomach.


Hepatitis B patients should not take it for a long time

Hepatitis B patients should not drink honeysuckle in water for a long time, otherwise it will easily lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, such as diarrhea, bowel sounds or poor appetite.

(Appointment with famous doctor WeChat public account)