Sitting for a long time increases the risk of 12 chronic diseases? Sitting, standing and lying down for a long time, what harm will it bring?

Recently, a new research paper published in the sub-journal of The Lancet made many office workers tremble.

Researchers from Tianjin Medical University published a new study in EClinicalMedicine, a sub-journal of The Lancet.

The study found that sitting for more than 6 hours a day was associated with an increased risk of 12 common chronic diseases.

The researchers used 360,047 participants from the UK Biobank with a mean age of 55.8±8.1 years, of which 54.5% were female.

These participants did not have any chronic non-communicable disease personnel through long-term follow-up.

By comparing the data,it was found that compared with people who sat for ≤2 hours a day, people who sat for ≥6 hours a day had a significantly increased risk of developing 12 chronic diseases 26%, these chronic diseases include ischemic heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.

And the researchers also found that reducing the sedentary time of these participants by 6 hours would be significantly effective in preventing 3.7%-22.1% of chronic diseases.

Sedentary, standing and lying down for a long time also have their own damage:

Standing for a long time, what harm will it bring?

First, varicose veins

If you stay in a standing position for a long time, the blood circulation of your legs will be severely restricted.

Blood pools in the veins of the legs, causing the pressure in the veins to rise rapidly, causing numbness and swelling in the legs.

If you can’t change your posture at this time, it will easily cause edema in the legs, and in severe cases, varicose veins will appear.

The emergence of second, hemorrhoids, cervical spondylosis

Standing for a long time can affect the rectal veins, which can easily lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

When standing, if the posture is incorrect, or if you wear some shoes that do not fit your feet, it will also lead to excessive bending of the lumbar spine, which can easily lead to lumbar and cervical spine diseases.

Therefore, people who stand for a long time must rest for five minutes after standing for an hour, and massage their legs and feet to promote blood circulation in the lower limbs and minimize damage.

What are the dangers of sitting for a long time?

First, lumbar muscle strain

When you maintain a sitting posture for a long time, it will increase the weight-bearing force of the waist and cause injury To the psoas major, it is easy to cause people to suffer from psoas muscle strain.

Standing for a long time can also induce lumbar disc herniation, and in severe cases it can even lead to sciatica.

Second, the blood vessels are not flowing smoothly

If you keep sitting and standing for a long time, the blood flow will be very slow, fatty acids will be deposited in the blood vessels, it is easy to block the heart blood vessels, and a heart attack will occur when you suddenly stand up.

Sitting and standing for a long time will cause fat to accumulate in the waist and abdomen, which can easily lead to obesity. In addition, it will also lead to slowed gastrointestinal motility, resulting in indigestion, constipation and other conditions.

Third, female pelvic inflammatory disease appears

If a woman sits for a long time, it will cause severe congestion in the pelvic cavity and cause pelvic inflammatory disease.

During the menstrual period, if you sit for a long time, the menstrual blood will not be smooth, and it will accumulate in the uterus and form a lump when it is squeezed, which will cause endometriosis.

Sedentary people must get up and move for at least five minutes after sitting for an hour. If you are a computer worker, you can drink some green tea properly, which can have the effect of diuresis, swelling and anti-radiation.

What are the hazards of lying down for a long time?

Many people will lie down at night after a busy day Resting in bed, the body is relaxed during this period. But if you lie down for a long time, your body will not get exercise, which will greatly reduce your resistance.

If you lie down for a long time, If the various organs in the body are not exercised, the metabolism, detoxification and self-repair capabilities will decline, and it is easy to make people’s physique worse and worse..

If you lie down for a long time , the gastrointestinal motility becomes very slow, the metabolism level also drops a lot, the detoxification ability of the liver and kidneys becomes very slow, and it is prone to obesity and premature aging.

When lying down for a long time, the blood circulation in the body slows down, the blood flow to the heart decreases, and it is easy to cause heart disease.


It can be seen that sitting and lying down for a long time will cause great harm to human health.

In daily life, you must adjust your posture in time.

Especially for people who stand for a long time and sit for a long time, it is best to soak their feet in hot water every night. The height of the water should be on the calf, and with massage, it can promote blood circulation in the legs, relieve fatigue, and reduce swelling.

If people have to lie down due to illness, they should turn over regularly and beware of maintaining a posture, which will have a certain impact on their health.

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