District New Era Civilization Practice Center held a special lecture on “Adolescent Health Education”

[Source: Wanshan District People’s Government_District News]

On June 7, Wanshan District New Era Civilization Practice Center, District Health Bureau and District People’s Hospital went to Tongren City No. 1 Twenty-one Middle School held a special lecture on “Adolescent Health Education”.

The lecture is divided into two venues for boys and girls, starting with “human growth and development”, and starting from the physiological hygiene of girls Knowledge, sexual health knowledge education, and how girls can protect themselves when they encounter danger and are sexually assaulted. Boys give detailed explanations on the physiological characteristics, psychological changes, and troubles of adolescence. By telling the stories around, situational discussion, interactive communication and other methods, let the students overcome the confusion and confusion of adolescence, establish a correct sexual concept, and be a confident, self-esteem, self-love, healthy and happy middle school student. (Wang Xuelian, District Rong Media Center)

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