Have you wiped your ass clean after all these years? Can butt wipes wipe your mouth? increased knowledge

After ten years of low back pain, it was actually caused by wiping ass?

Citizen Mr. Cao suffered from low back pain for more than ten years, and even reached the level of being bedridden and unable to take care of himself. Plasters, acupuncture, etc., but nothing worked.

After inquiring in detail, the doctor found that all this was actually related to Mr. Cao’s cleanliness addiction. It turned out that Mr. Cao had to wipe the toilet more than ten times every time he went to the toilet, for fear that it would not be clean.

And Mr. Cao has thoracic spine and shoulder problems. When twisting his waist and wiping his buttocks, he can only do it forcibly. During the process, the articular surface of the lumbar spine is continuously compressed, so the intervertebral disc is repeatedly damaged. .

I didn’t expect that a simple butt-wiping action could bring about such consequences. In fact, although the butt-wiping thing seems small and happens every day, but You don’t necessarily really will. Do not believe? Then look down.

1. Is it necessary to wipe your butt after urinating?

It is common sense to wipe your butt after pooping, but some people wonder, is it necessary to wipe your butt after urinating?

The answer is necessary, because the human body will leave a part of urine on the surface of the skin after urinating. After the urine is absorbed by the underwear, it will form a humid micro-environment, and there is no sunlight. And the lack of flowing air, so it is easy to breed all kinds of bacteria.

Especially for women, the vagina and urethra are short and open structures. In the long run, there may be itching, odor, and even urethritis or vaginitis.

But some people may be worried that Using tissue after urinating will make women suffer from vaginitis. Is this true?

Su Chang of the Obstetrics Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine said that estrogen and Lactobacillus maintain the balance of vaginal microecology in women, which can inhibit the growth of other pathogens , kill other bacteria and keep vagina healthy.

Vaginitis is mainly caused by the disruption of the ecological balance of the vagina. Generally, the common causes of vaginitis are unclean sexual behavior, infection, and vaginal flora imbalance.

Under normal circumstances,As long as you use a clean paper towel, you will not be so easily infected with pathogenic microorganisms,The claim on the Internet that you wipe with paper after urinating is obviously too exaggerated. Due to the special physiological structure of women, it is recommended to wipe clean with paper after urinating, so as to avoid other hygiene and health problems caused by wet private parts.

Second, do you really “will” wipe your butt?

Because of the special position of the buttocks, it is easy to be hidden deeply due to actions such as standing and clamping. The dense and complex folds around it are also prone to residues of feces and secretions, which make it difficult to clean the buttocks.

Furthermore, ingesting foods such as extra-spicy red oil hot pot can cause the stool to become sticky and stick to the buttocks, making cleanup more difficult. If the cleaning work is not done well, it may allow bacteria to grow in the long run, causing perianal itching, eczema, and even anal fistula hemorrhoids.

How to wipe your ass properly?

Because of the differences in the reproductive structure of males and females, there are also differences in the way the butt is wiped.

MenYou can use a squatting or tilting buttocks position to expose the anus and relax the perianal muscles. Then wipe from the periphery to the center, and finally repeat with a paper towel until there is no visible residue.

WomenIt is recommended to press gently on the urethra and vaginal opening from front to back, and then wipe The anus is indented from the periphery to the center of the circle.

In addition, there is a principle of “one dip, two wipes and three turns”.

  • “One dip”: Folding toilet paper and pressing lightly vertically on the anus
  • ” Two-Way”: One-way wipe from front to back with even force
  • Three-Turn:Two and a half turns clockwise

Finally, before flushing the toilet, observe the stool for any abnormalities such as mucus, darkening, blood, grooves, etc. And wash the skin around the anus with water every day, but it is not recommended to over-clean, so as not to change the local physiological state and affect the normal secretion function.

3. What kind of paper is best to use when wiping your butt?

In addition to paying attention to the way you wipe your buttocks, you also need to pay attention to the toilet paper you choose.

First, choose toilet paper that meets national standards, The standard code is GB 20810 (2018)< span>, that is, produced by regular manufacturers, without package damage, pollution, peculiar smell, complete and clear logo, etc. The selected toilet paper must have a certain thickness to avoid damage or slag during use.

Toilet paperthe best ingredient is 100% virgin wood pulp, This quality is the best. Next is 100 percent virgin pulp, possibly with partially recycled raw materials. The best virgin pulp ingredient paper towels may have some other leftovers added.

The whiteness of A-grade toilet paper should be above 85%, but does not mean that the whiter the better, because the whiteness of the paper towel is too high It may be that some unscrupulous merchants have added excessive fluorescent whitening agents.

In addition, the selected toilet paper is not recommended to be scented. Finally, wet wipesbutt wipes are a good choice because wipes are more powerful and more comfortable, but try not to choose Wet wipes with alcohol or disinfectant ingredients.

In life, you may use a tissue to wipe your ass to wipe your mouth, Wipe your mouth to wipe your ass, is that okay?

In fact, there is a difference between butt wipes and tissue paper. Tissue paper is paper tissue, paper napkins, paper handkerchiefs, etc. The implementation standard is GB/T20808 , total bacterial colonies<200cfu/g. The implementation standard for toilet paper (roll paper) is GB/T20810, total bacterial colonies<600cfu/g.

The raw material of tissue paper is virgin pulp, and the raw material of toilet paper may also be recycled pulp, so the hygiene standards of the two are still different.< strong>So it is not recommended to use toilet paper to wipe your mouth.

Although the action of wiping the buttocks is simple, it also has a lot of attention. Learn Wiping scientifically can make us live a healthier life.


[1] “Reminder | See you soon! “Wipe your ass” actually “wipe” out this disease! Guangdong men have been in pain for 10 years because of this…”. Guangzhou Health Commission. 2020-07-13

[2] “Ass-wiping paper, don’t use it to wipe your mouth again! 》. Popular Science China. 2022-03-06

[3] “It turns out that the butt is clean only by wiping it this way, but many people do it wrong in the first step! “.Tencent Medical Code.2021-02-24

[4]”Scientific Guide to Wipe Butt”. Nutshell.2021-02-18

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