How to choose hearing aids for patients with mild to moderate hearing impairment? Incos Kite 2.0 protects hearing

Hearing loss is a health problem that is often overlooked. Just like before I had my hearing test, it never occurred to me that I was only forty years old and had already started to experience hearing loss. In my past cognition, I thought that hearing loss occurs only in people over the age of 60.

Recently, a friend told me that I think my hearing has deteriorated. When chatting, I always ask them to repeat the content and often answer questions. At first I thought it was just because I didn’t have enough rest, but later I found out that I was at home. I also often can’t hear the doorbell and watch the TV at increasing volume.

After checking on the Internet, I found that these symptoms are all manifestations of hearing loss. Then I checked the World Health Organization’s Hearing Self-Assessment Method on the Internet: Test subjects in a quiet environment with one ear facing In the tester, the other ear was blocked with a finger and the eyes were closed. The tester spoke the words and the tester repeated them. If the hearing is normal, it can be repeated normally at a distance of 6 meters, mild hearing loss can be repeated at a distance of 4 meters, moderate hearing loss at 1 meter, and patients with severe or greater hearing loss within a distance of 1 meter .

According to the results of this test, I found that I could only complete the retelling of the content at a distance of 4 meters, that is, mild hearing loss had occurred.

In order to get more professional advice, I decided to go to the hospital for a professional hearing test. The test results showed that I only had 40 A hearing level of around decibels indicates that the hearing loss has shifted from mild to moderate. The doctor also said that hearing loss is roughly divided into three types according to the ear damage. Like me, there are problems in both the outer ear and the middle ear, and it is a conductive hearing loss. If there is a problem with the middle ear and the inner ear, then It is called mixed hearing loss; if there is a problem with the inner ear and the auditory nerve, it is called sensorineural hearing loss and is more complicated than the other two. Therefore, when hearing loss occurs, it is necessary to wear hearing aids in time to improve hearing and delay hearing loss.

The doctor also said that there is no need to worry too much about hearing loss, although age is one of the important reasons for hearing loss However, excessive use of the ear and poor living habits can also lead to hearing damage. At present, in addition to senile hearing loss, people with hearing loss have become younger and younger in recent years. According to WHO, nearly 50% of people aged 12-35 in the world are at risk of hearing loss. Although hearing loss is irreversible, the way of hearing loss is a step-like decline. Therefore, when hearing loss is found, you can delay hearing loss by wearing products such as hearing aids or hearing aids, but before wearing hearing aids or hearing aids , Be sure to choose for fitting, and choose the product that best suits your ears.

After I came back from the hospital, I started to look for suitable listening earphones to meet the needs of work and life at the same time. Need, after the introduction and analysis of friends who are engaged in electronic products, I bought the Inkesi KITE2 auxiliary listening earphones. A friend said that Kite 2.0 uses bone conduction technology to better sense self-sound, can restore the natural hearing state, and can also achieve intelligent noise reduction. Excellent sound processing technology can reduce ambient noise and effectively amplify human voices. At the same time, Kite 2.0 can also perform a hearing test to realize the wearing experience after wearing it. Before wearing it, I downloaded the Yinbei APP to conduct a hearing test. The test results are transmitted back to the headset, and different sound supplementary solutions are generated according to the missing sound frequency bands to meet the needs of different work and life scenarios.

During the party two days ago, my friends said that when chatting with me, they don’t have to speak as loudly as before. , and they will not be asked to repeat the chat content, and there will be no “answers that are wrong” like before. Similarly, I also feel that when chatting with them, the dialogue is more natural and clear.

At the same time, Kite 2.0 also has Bluetooth function, which can be directly connected to mobile phones. If you need to hold a conference call at work, you can directly connect to Bluetooth for use. The voice of the call is also very natural. will be uncomfortable. Moreover, the appearance of Kite 2.0 looks like a fashionable sports earphone, which can be worn during daily work or travel, without worrying about the suspicious eyes of others.

In general, Kite 2.0 brought me a good wearing experience during this period of use , whether it is communicating with family and friends, or listening to audio and video to answer the phone, it is very comfortable and comfortable. And according to the results of my latest hearing test, the hearing loss has not deteriorated further, and there is not much difference with the previous data, which shows that Kite 2.0 also protects my hearing health to a certain extent, which makes me feel very relieved. .

If you have friends who are interested in Kite 2.0, you can also directly search for “Yinkesi” on, or contact customer service directly to learn about related products.

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