Although peanuts are good, these people should eat less

[Source: Healthy Fengning]

Although the nutritional value of peanuts is high, some people are not suitable to eat peanuts due to their physical conditions or allergies to peanut ingredients, so they should pay special attention to eating less or not eating them.

Gout patients : Compared with other nuts, peanuts have a higher purine content, with a content of 85 mg/100 g, which is a medium-high purine food (purine content is between 75-150 mg/100 g) . Therefore, it is best for gout patients not to eat peanuts during the acute attack period, and to eat some in moderation according to the condition during the gout remission period.

Patients with cholecystitis:The gallbladder has the function of storing and concentrating bile. After eating, the gallbladder will shrink , and then expel the stored bile into the intestines to help digest food. Among the three energy-supplying nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate), fat has the strongest ability to cause gallbladder contraction. Therefore, patients with cholecystitis should not eat peanuts after surgery, so as not to induce disease.

People with diarrhea:The rich dietary fiber and oil in peanuts can relax the bowels and relieve bowel movements. Anyone with symptoms of diarrhea and acute infection of the digestive tract should not eat peanuts temporarily, otherwise the symptoms of diarrhea will be aggravated.

People allergic to peanuts:Some people are allergic to peanuts. Throat edema and other reactions can even be life-threatening. Such people should not only stay away from peanuts, but also stay away from foods containing peanuts, and carefully read the food ingredient list when choosing processed foods.

Children:Peanuts are in large granular shape and are not easy to chew. Slip into the respiratory tract, causing a serious safety accident. Therefore, children who eat peanuts and other nut foods should be taken care of by adults, and it is best to crush and eat peanuts.

Source: Healthy Family News Official Wechat

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