CDC Cover News: Bivalent vaccine can prevent more than 70% of cervical cancer

Cover reporter Shao Meng

On May 30, the National Health and Health Commission held the fifth press conference of the “Everything for the People’s Health – Our Ten Years” series, introducing the party’s 18th Information about the progress and effectiveness of maternal and child health work since the beginning of the year. Wang Linhong, chairman of the Women’s Health Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and chief expert on chronic diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in response to a question from a cover reporter that bivalent vaccines can prevent more than 70% of cervical cancers. Under the current tight supply of HPV vaccines, There is no need to miss the best time for vaccination by waiting for a higher-priced vaccine.

The press conference of the National Health Commission on May 30. Cover news reporter Shao Meng photography

Wang Linhong introduced that the currently available HPV vaccines in my country include bivalent vaccine, quadrivalent vaccine and nine-valent vaccine, and the age range of 9 to 45-year-old women, but the most high-risk HPV types that cause cervical cancer are subtypes 16 and 18, so bivalent vaccines can prevent more than 70% of cervical cancers, which is the vast majority of cervical cancers.

She pointed out that five HPV vaccines have been approved and registered in my country, including three imported HPV vaccines and two domestic vaccines. Data from the National Routine Vaccine Statement shows that from 2018 to 2020, the number of HPV vaccinations has increased year by year, from 3.417 million in 2018 to 12.279 million in 2020. However, on the whole, the current HPV vaccine is still in short supply. The number of school-age women in my country is relatively large, so the HPV vaccination rate is still at a relatively low level.

Wang Linhong emphasized that the HPV vaccine has the best protective effect on young women who have not yet been infected with the virus. The World Health Organization recommends girls aged 9 to 14 as the primary vaccination group. The earlier the vaccination, the better the effect. of.

“Therefore, under the current situation of tight supply of HPV vaccine, there is no need to miss the best vaccination time because of waiting for a higher-priced vaccine.” Wang Linhong said.

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