Increase investment in traditional Chinese medicine in accordance with the law Four regulations including the “Fujian Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulations” were voted and passed by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress

[Source: Henan People’s Congress_Domestic People’s Congress]

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The 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Fujian Provincial People’s Congress ended on May 27, and passed the “Fujian Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulations” “Fujian Province Local Financial Supervision and Administration Regulations”, “Fujian Province Land Management Regulations” and “Fujian Province Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations” four regulations.

The “Fujian Province Chinese Medicine Regulations” came into effect on October 22 this year. Protection strength.

The regulations stipulate that the construction of regional medical centers of traditional Chinese medicine, characteristic key hospitals, and famous doctors’ halls shall be supported; the traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions established by the government shall not be merged, cancelled, or the nature of traditional Chinese medicine medical treatment changed without authorization, and social forces shall be supported to establish traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions. . Local governments at or above the county level shall formulate policies to improve the treatment of professional and technical personnel of traditional Chinese medicine, and the provincial government shall establish and improve the selection system of famous Chinese medicine practitioners. The TCM diagnosis and treatment items with clinical value and obvious functional curative effect shall be paid by disease type, and the reimbursement scope and proportion of TCM decoction pieces, proprietary Chinese medicines, TCM preparations in medical institutions, TCM non-drug therapy programs and rehabilitation programs shall be gradually expanded. If a medical institution provides or entrusts other relevant units to provide traditional Chinese medicine decoction and distribution services, it shall strengthen standardized management and be responsible for the quality of the substitute decoction of traditional Chinese medicine.

The “Fujian Local Financial Supervision and Administration Regulations” will come into force on August 1 this year . The regulations pay attention to the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests, and explicitly require the protection of financial consumers’ property rights, right to know, right to independent choice, and right to fair trade. This is the first time that local legislation comprehensively and centrally stipulates the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests.

“Fujian Province Land Management Regulations” and “Fujian Province Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations” came into effect on July 1 this year and September 1 this year respectively. The regulations respond to social concerns, require strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of farmers whose land is expropriated, and clarify that if the members of the rural collective economic organization whose land is expropriated believe that the government’s land expropriation compensation plan does not comply with laws and regulations, the government should organize a hearing; it is stipulated that relevant departments should improve soil environmental monitoring Network, set up soil environmental quality monitoring points, conduct regular monitoring and implement data sharing, etc.

Editor: Li Heng