[Anti-Three Highs] Tell your parents to eat these 20 kinds of hypolipidemic foods!

The living standard of modern people has improved, from the “salted fish and greens” in the past to the “” “Big fish and big meat”, high-fat, high-sugar, and high-calorie foods are often placed on the table. If things go on like this, it will easily lead to increased blood lipids. Hyperlipidemia is a “wealth disease” that threatens the health of modern people, and can cause many complications. To stay away from hyperlipidemia, hypolipidemic foods must be added to your menu. So what can you eat to lower blood lipids? The following 20 foods are natural “lipid-lowering drugs” that can help you “eat” to lose blood lipids!

1Barley Barley can reduce blood lipids and blood sugar, promote metabolism, diuretic effect, effectively improve edema, and the heat of barley Relatively low, eating more is not afraid of getting fat. Moreover, barley is rich in soluble fiber, which can improve constipation and remove accumulated toxins in the body. 2salmon< /strong>Salmon is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce blood triglyceride levels, increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and enhance blood vessel elasticity. Among freshwater fish, carp is a highly recommended lipid-lowering food. 3garlicgarlic, ginger Other foods have always been the best foods to prevent cancer, but in addition to this effect, the volatile capsaicin contained in garlic can remove the fat accumulated in the blood vessels and has a significant effect on lowering cholesterol.< span ng-="" ng-click="onClick($event)" tn-page-editable-type="border-color">4< strong>cauliflower strong>Its low fat content and high dietary fiber content make it very suitable for people with high blood lipids. In addition, it also contains a variety of micronutrients, which play a strong role in resisting cancer. It should be noted that the vitamins contained in cauliflower are water-soluble, so in order to avoid the loss of nutrients, the best cooking method is: avoid cutting with a knife instead of tearing it by hand; avoid stewing for a long time, but stir-fry it with high heat , or steamed. 5carrot< /strong>Modern research has found that carrots contain a large amount of biological potassium. After potassium enters the blood, it can emulsify the oil in the blood, and at the same time can effectively dissolve the lipids deposited on the blood vessel wall. “Cholesterol hardening plaques” and expel these body wastes from the body. To achieve the effect of lowering blood lipids, reducing blood viscosity, purifying blood, “cleaning” blood vessels, increasing blood vessel elasticity, and improving microcirculation.


It is very rich in linoleic acid, accounting for 35%-52% of all unsaturated fatty acids; it is also rich in vitamin E , and oat contains saponins. They all have the effect of lowering plasma cholesterol concentration.

7peasBeans are cheap, safe and effective hypolipidemic food, every day Just eating half a bowl of beans at noon can reduce the concentration of “bad cholesterol” by 20% in 8 weeks. Soy foods contain a variety of cholesterol-lowering active ingredients, the most important of which are soluble and insoluble fibers in beans. 8edamame< /strong>The fat content of edamame is significantly higher than that of other types of vegetables, but most of them are unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are essential for the human body. Improve fat metabolism and help reduce triglycerides and cholesterol in the human body. Edamame contains compounds that can remove fat on the blood vessel wall, thereby lowering blood lipids and lowering cholesterol in the blood. 9mung bean sprouts Mung bean itself is a good cholesterol-lowering food, and in the process of germination, vitamin C can reach six or seven times the original content of mung bean. Large amounts of vitamin C can promote cholesterol excretion and prevent its deposition in the lining of arteries. The dietary fiber of mung bean sprouts can help remove waste from the body, and can also combine with cholesterol in food and convert it into bile acid for excretion, thereby reducing cholesterol levels. 10Eggplantcontains many vitamins, especially in purple eggplant It contains more vitamin P, which can enhance cell adhesion and improve the elasticity of capillaries. Medical research has shown that eggplant can lower cholesterol, prevent vascular damage caused by hyperlipidemia, and can assist in the treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and other diseases.


In the past, it was believed that eggs were high in cholesterol, and eating more eggs could easily lead to coronary heart disease. It has been confirmed that eggs contain lecithin, which can keep cholesterol and fat in the blood in suspension and not deposit on the blood vessel wall, thereby effectively reducing blood lipid levels. It is recommended to eat one egg a day.

12PeanutsPeanuts are rich in phytosterols, a class of steroid compounds commonly found in dried fruits that can interact with Cholesterol has a competitive effect, thereby inhibiting the body’s absorption of cholesterol and reducing blood cholesterol levels. In addition, peanuts are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, choline, lecithin and other nutrients, which can decompose cholesterol in the human body into bile acids and excrete them from the body. 13mung beanA good product to clear the heat in summer, it can lower blood lipids, protect the heart and prevent coronary heart disease. Animal experiments have shown that mung bean can effectively reduce serum cholesterol, triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein, and significantly reduce coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Clinical practice has also proved that moderate consumption of mung bean every day in patients with hyperlipidemia has obvious cholesterol-lowering effect. 14grape< /strong>Grape skin contains more resveratrol than grape flesh and seeds, which has the functions of lowering blood lipids, antithrombotic, preventing arteriosclerosis and enhancing immunity. Grape skins are also rich in dietary fiber, pectin and iron. It is recommended that the grapes be washed and eaten with the skins on. 15onion< /strong>Many people don’t like the taste of onions, but patients with high blood lipids must eat more, because onions contain triallyl disulfide and sulfur amino acids, which have Good hypolipidemic effect. 16celery< /strong>Contains more dietary fiber, especially blood pressure-lowering ingredients, and also has the effect of lowering blood fat and blood sugar. In addition, celery leaves contain more carotene and vitamin C, do not throw away the tender leaves when eating celery. 17Milkcontains hydroxyl, methylglutaric acid, which inhibits the The activity of cholesterol synthase in the body, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol and reducing the content of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, milk contains more calcium, which can also reduce the body’s absorption of cholesterol. 18apple< /strong>Apple is rich in pectin, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol. A study abroad shows that eating an apple a day can reduce the risk of death from coronary heart disease by half, thanks to the flavonoids contained in apples. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants that exert anti-atherosclerotic effects by inhibiting LDL oxidation. In addition, the pectin in apples can also reduce cholesterol levels, thus helping to prevent atherosclerosis. 19Seaweed< /strong>Exhaust algae such as kelp are rich in colloidal fiber, which can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Seaweed also contains many unique active substances, which can lower blood pressure, lower lipids, lower blood sugar , anti-cancer and other effects. 20Cucumber

Cucumber has always been the first choice for blood pressure and lipid lowering. Cucumber contains fine fiber, which can promote intestinal putrefaction. Excretion and lower cholesterol. At the same time, cucumber contains more propanedioic acid, which has obvious blood lipid lowering effect.

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